The Gateway (West Bollywood Edition)

As I write this (or first did on Facebook) “Pal Joey” is on TCM, playing in the background and I can't help thinking how much cooler Richard Rogers was when Lorenz Hart was doing his lyrics instead of Oscar Hammerstein.

The political news has mostly been light and boring, too esoteric or stuff about which I can’t presently comment, so I’ve been taking a mental health break (though there are those who say I’ve been taking a break from mental health for years).

But I’ve been gone from the web for six days, and some are getting restless

ORTHODOX PUNDIT: I thought you are on vacation, or that Carter took your place as the daily blogger (although he is per-occupied with national stuff, and I can't figure out what he wants. Short commentary w/o links, what's the point?)

Anyway, I’m sure I missed a few things I shouldn’t have, but people looking for real edification should just check out the latest Neil Young and Crazy Horse album 



Logically, especially with 11 handpicked members of the Party Exec Committee casting votes, Vito need not worry about losing a couple of local races–but logically, Ed Towns did not need to worry about his daughter losing in race for an Assembly seat only one-third in his district, which was majority Latino and accounted for about 3% of his district's votes.

Further, though Linc Restler may yet pull out a victory, the facts on the ground appear to be daunting.

And, despite Eric Dilan’s big loss for congress, in the corridor that comprises most of the Marty Dilan Senate seat, Nydia won by only about 51%-44%, and she had the considerable advantages of incumbency, which in this case militate in Marty Dilan's favor.

On the other hand, as Phil Ochs might note, Vito (and the Dilans) got what he asked for this time. Nydia’s power play in bid to boot Vito    




Political news buried within this real estate item:

"For many of them, the answer may lie following in the path of the longtime owners of Scotto Funeral Home, who earlier this year sold out to John Heyer, a 29-year-old area resident. He has agreed to keep the family's funeral tradition alive."

What Crains missed: Heyer’s partner is former owner Buddy Scotto’s daughter, Debra (recently departed from a Lopez encouraged race for District Leader).  

Also worthy of note: Heyer's losing race for a City Council seat was most noteworthy for proving that the Ultra-Orthodox community could be roused into a frenzy by appealing to them on the basis of social conservatism, even when one was opposed by the machers of the Haredi establishment more interested in barrels of pork (perhaps not the best choice of words).  

In a way, John Heyer is the father to Bob Turner, David Storobin, Ben Akselrod, Russ Gallo and Joe Hayon.     

I hope his new business venture affords him the opportunity to give his political career the decent burial it so richly deserves.

On a non-political note, I should point out that, in 1989 when I first moved to the area, D'Amico's deli counter sold gefilte fish, anticipating Shelsky's by two decades–truly a bit too far ahead of their time. In the Boroughs, Brooklyn: Court Street's mom and pops defy the odds

John Messer: Senator Stavisky chose not to appear or testify to refute, condemn or even explain the blatant acts of fraud (as evidenced in numerous affidavits provided) prevalent in her nominating petition.

In light of the above, it became clear that to subpoena all 1,000 innocent community residents to prove this case would cause great hardship to many innocent citizens which is why we decided to let the voters decide the fate of Senator Stavisky.

Translation: I have no case.  

A couple more notes—even though Messer is challenging Stavisky in a Dem primary, this challenge was to her Independence Party petitions. Getting Stavisky off the IP line does nothing to help Messer in the primary, although it does lend further credence to the theory that Messer is actually a shill for the GOP. 

It should be noted that Messer did  make some noise about the signatures of dead folks on Stavisky’s Democratic petitions, but no court case emerged, probably because stray bad acts committed on an omnibus/multi-candidate petition being carried by workers from half a dozen or more different clubs operating independently (as opposed to say a single sheet operation being supervised directly by the candidate), could invalidate an individual subscribing witnesses’ work, but would rightly not otherwise be attributable to a candidate.  Messer Drops Petition Fraud Lawsuit Against Stavisky | City & State    




James Sanders attempts to curry favor.

Colin Campbell: I'm in a dissenting mood today, so, one might muse that spending $5k to help immigrants register to vote (for you) might be on the low end of a misallocated member items list

Gatemouth: Somewhere lurks Alla Pometkasivaan

Chris Bragg: Curry favor!!!

Gatemouth: This race may be Shirley Huntley's Vindaloo. Of course, I favor naan of the above

Chris Bragg: Damn it. I was thinking for like 10 mins about some South Asian food puns, and you keep topping me

Gatemouth: I think this riff is coming to the end of the roti

Chris Bragg: getting to be a bit of a paan? A bit dum?

Colin Campbell: This conversation is officially a bajra too far

Gatemouth: A Bolly-good time was had by all. Maybe we should call Sanders “Gunga-Quinn.” James Sanders’ Very Politically Well-Timed Member Item | City & State    

In the Land of the Blind Department: The City Council takes on the Board of Elections.
As expected, pompous posturing from the Councilmembers (Jessica Lappin actually made it a point of pride not to listen) and foot-shuffling dissembling from the Board.

Highlight: Dan Halloran said hundreds of people were voting in both Florida and New York (apparently the culprits are loafing Sanitation workers who should be removing snow, but are snowbirds instead).

Strangest passage: The Chris Quinn story. It just makes no sense. How could one get a ballot for a general election on primary day? The general election candidates haven't even been chosen. And if the story is true, why would it matter that the useless ballot was counted? I'm not sure the reporter understood what she was writing (maybe she should get a job at the Board). City Council Berates Elections Board and Voices Concern Over Future Voting  




Comparing Tom Friedman's "the two parties are equally to blame" moral equivalency delusions to Bloomie's similar pontifications is unfair.

Friedman is clearly deluded concerning domestic issues, while Bloomie is clearly shilling for the GOP in the only way he can semi-credibly do so. Mike Bloomberg's Gun Control Friedmanism    




The next person about to become unemployed can't blame Obama Andrea Saul: Romney spokesperson cites Massachusetts health law  




Romney criticizes Obama for agreeing with him. I must admit he probably has a point. It is a rebuttable presumption that agreeing with Romney is Romney is act of idiocy (although if one stands still for a long enough period of time, it is bound to happen for at least three minutes, though probably not much longer than five). Romney Flip Flops on Welfare Waivers   
Right wing blogs and elements of the MSM made a very big deal about raving Jew hater MD Rabbi Alam (where’d he get that middle name) being a candidate for Missouri Secretary of State that I almost assumed he was the Democratic nominee.  He ended up getting 13% of the primary vote (a fact which no one seem to have bothered to note anywhere).

Too bad I have no excuse for Tennessee.Aug 7, 2012 Primary: Election Night Reporting: Missouri Secretary of State

STEVE COHN: I didn’t realize it was you who wrote those columns. You write beautifully and with such knowledge. I only wish reporters knew what you know.  
GATE: No Steve, no one in the business wishes that reporters knew what I know.  
Fight The Power Department: 
Goldberg: "Chuck D was a hero to most, he never meant shit to me, he was a straight-up racist, that sucker was simple and plain, mother fuck him and Lil Wayne" Via Ta-Nehisi, Hummus, Public Enemy and Springsteen's 'Nebraska'