The Gateway (Democracy Takes a Holiday Edition)

Democracy Takes a Holiday. For half of New York Senate races, incumbents have no challengers

The New Tolerant Intolerance: Hatred of the Other uniting the entire monotheistic religions spectrum. Senator_&_Manny_Tavarez_1st_Piece_English   




Gianaris is correct when he says the Sen Dems $1.4 mil debt is inside baseball; the problem is that as long as it remains, their message (such that it is) will also be such. NY Senate Dems debt looms large in campaign    




Racetrack Empire Season Three Spoiler Alert: Chalkie White has a sitdown with Luciano and Lansky.Steak House Stake-Out: Smith Huddles With GOP for Four Hours   




In which we learn Naomi Rivera's strongest opponent gave money to the RNC and McCain.

Suggested slogan: "Vote for the sl*t; it's important." Naomi Rivera’s Opponents Pile Onto Secret Facebook Story  




"One City, One Standard" cried Rudy G in his 1993 campaign, and communities like Borough Park shouted and voted their approval, even though many suspected what he really meant was "no special privileges for blacks."

And no we have a perfect illustration of the Borough Park translation of "One City, One Standard.":

1) We get security cameras, and you pay for them.

2) We get to see the film and you don't Shomrim Don't Want Police To See Security Video    




I know it sounds like loony left propaganda, but it's true: Ryan believes fertilized eggs are protected under the 14th Amendment, but not women. Romney's VP Pick Wants to Severely Limit Reproductive Rights    




A short guide to GOP TOTV (Throw Out the Vote) operations. Art of War  




The Jesse Jr. situation is interesting as the first recorded case of a pol being more depressed than the voters. Jesse Jackson Jr. undergoing treatment for bipolar disorder    




Voucher for parochial education?

Your tax dollars in action: "[Is] it possible that a fire-breathing animal really existed? Today some scientists are saying yes. They have found large chambers in certain dinosaur skulls…The large skull chambers could have contained special chemical-producing glands. When the animal forced the chemicals out of its mouth or nose, these substances may have combined and produced fire and smoke." 14 Wacky "Facts" Kids Will Learn in Louisiana's Voucher Schools    




Fitzgerald said there are no second acts on American lives, but the 80s revival seems to be in full force. in Palm Beach County Florida, ground zero of the Gore tsunami, the Democratic Party entrusts a prime battle ground to former Upper East Side Assemblyman (and minor sex scandal) Marc Alan Siegel. Meanwhile in New Republic, cartoon coverage of the 2nd decade of the 21st Century is being entrusted to Marc Alan Stamaty, and his old 80s reliable, Bob Forehead. Bob Forehead