The Gateway (Brooklyn Crabs Go South Edition)

DATELINE: Lewes, Delaware 

My Chesapeake years came back last night as I introduced Domestic Partner and Dybbuk to the joys of hitting blue claws covered in spicy dust with mallets.

Unimpressed, nine year old Dybbuk insisted on ordering something else; as he told the waitress, "I think snow crabs in August would be ironic"   




Celebrating our anniversary, DP said "I have to stop drinking. Ten years with you, Gatemouth and it is time to step up to heroin."

Of course, she later admitted she was joking, "the only dope worth shooting is you."   




The wonders of Motown weekends on the local Delaware oldies station: the other night, Dybbuk was walking down the beach singing "Papa was a Rollin’ Stone" the temptations-papa was a rollin stone papa was a rollin' stone    




Argument with Domestic Partner:

Some matters of taste just aren't subjective:

The version of "Walk Away Renee" by The Four Tops is simply objectively better than the original by The Left Banke.

As Dybbuk noted “Black people invented cool,”    




Ed Koch compares Pussy Riot to ACT-UP and says "lock 'em up." 

Koch does not seem to understand the difference between a sentence of community service  and one measured in years.  

If Pussy Riot were sentenced to 15 days in jail (which would be harsh, but within the margins of reasonable), this story would be over. Ed Koch Defends The Arrest of Pussy Riot, Compares Them To AIDS Activists of the 80′s   




And speaking of Pussy Riot,  Naomi Rivera is getting probed by Eric Schneiderman.  

And I thought she preferred younger Latino men.  


As usual though, the public is still picking up the tab. Naomi’s hire love is probed    





The press page of the Adam Bermudez website, now featuring a link to the Gatemouth endorsement.

I haven’t had a candidate make such a fuss since the time I helped Mike Scala  beat Greg Meeks.

Hey Scala, you owe me one. Go, take trip to the Bronx and give the kid some shoe leather! The Race in the Press |    




To Republicans, Todd Akin's sin is unforgiveable.  He told tales out of school.

Whenever the GOP nominates someone like Akin, I just lie back and enjoy it.  The Todd Akin countdown




Huckabee's point is so repugnant, one almost fails to notice that, awful as it is, it still repudiates Akin's quack science. If "legitimate rape" produces extraordinary people, it, ipso facto, does not serve as nature's birth control. Huckabee to Akin: 'Horrible' rapes created some extraordinary people



The GOP and much of the press makes a big fuss about Paul Ryan's credentials as an intellectual, and for once, I would have to agree.

I mean, it takes a very special sort of mind to be able to parse the subtle distinctions between the good and bad kinds of rape. How Todd Akin And Paul Ryan Partnered To Redefine Rape