The Gateway (Logging Time and Reaching Around Edition)

Dateline: Lewes, Delaware. 

Roberto Perez: The source also tells me that Gnojaj, lost any chance he had of securing an endorsement from Velazquez, when he received the support of Senator Ruben Diaz. Velazquez, does not share some of the Reverends positions on certain issues, which ultimately led her to not endorse Gjonaj

Gate: That would be one way of putting it.
THE PEREZ NOTES: Rivera has some explaining to do El Diario NY   




Naomi's beau has been accused of “double dipping” and she's being probed.

I swear–these are the headlines, not the jokes. Double-job probe of Naomi’s beau    




I don't want to seem redundant, but it seems everyone is probing Naomi Rivera.

Tempting line of the day: Rivera also is under scrutiny for putting her latest boy toy, Brooklyn teacher Tommy Torres, 35, on the payroll at her Morris Park district office. He logged 20 hours a week there…

Fun fact: Rivera’s brother got fired by the State Senate Minority Leader's Office for being worthless, which most people assume is a condition precedent for being employed there. FBI joins probe of Bx. pol Rivera’s boy-toy hiring    




The Rivera-funded not-for-profit, which employed her ex, goes “belly up”  

Were you expecting, doggy-style? Pol piggy bank goes belly up    




Most understated headline: "Flushing Assembly race gets nasty.”

Money Quote:

Michael Olmeda: My response to the indignant comments made by Martha Flores-Vazquez in reference to the Yen Chou campaign is that Martha should get off her bar stool pulpit and get out there and talk to the people. According to her recent campaign filings with the Finance Board, Martha has no posters or literature to put up. Perhaps the Department of Investigation should look into her not-for-profit and see if she is using agency money to fund her campaign. People like this, that rob from our community, and then divide it, should not be allow to run for office. What a waste…

Given that the last time Olmeda’s candidate, Yen Chou, ran in a primary, she got caught running hate lit against a Jewish primary opponent which warned Chinese voters that waiting until the general election to support Chinese Republican Peter Koo, rather than supporting her in the primary, was “…equivalent to indirectly giving the throne to the Jews,” this may actually represent an improvement in Chou’s deportment.

Further, it may represent the first time I’ve written about this race without mentioning someone ejaculating, (something I can’t say about the 80th AD in the Bronx. THE PEREZ NOTES: Flushing Assembly race gets nasty!   




To paraphrase Sqt. Hartman in "Full Metal Jacket," it appears that the Empire State Pride Agenda and other supporters of same sex marriage are happy to get their moment's pleasure from Shirley Huntley and Joe Addabbo, but don't "have the goddamn common courtesy to give [them] a reach-around."

Alan Van Capelle: Elected officials have looked at the gay community as being the ATM of elections. If they did the right thing by the gay community, that would be a secret PIN number and the gay community would automatically start dispensing money to them.

No Alan, what the Democrats who stuck their necks out expect is no less than what the Republicans who stuck their necks out rightfully expect. That you tea dance with those who brung ya.  

Shirley Huntley and Joe Addabbo’s are having their doing the right thing used against them. Their defeats, if they occur, will have national ramifications upon wavering Democratic pols everywhere.  

Money quote (literally): “The irony of the situation is that the same money that the LGBT community has given to the Republican Party has been spent in acts against pro-marriage Democrats,” 

A point I’ve made myself.  What About Us?: Dems Who Flipped on Gay Marriage Aren’t Quite Feeling the Financial Love   




Grimm is a social moderate.

He opposes abortion in the case of "illegitimate rape," but favors nude swimming and Kabbalah. New York representatives who co-sponsored the 'forcible rape' bill Akin referred to | Capital New Yo    




There's a man in Congress who makes Todd Akin look like an abortion moderate.

On January 20, 2013, he may be one heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Has there ever been a more compelling case for an intact dilation and extraction? (I speak, of course, metaphorically). Ryan Is More Extreme On Abortion Than Akin    




GOP Chair disavows his own platform before it is even enacted (and it is ashamed he’s shown Todd Akin, so little respect when it’s clear how much influence Todd had in its drafting). Priebus: GOP platform 'not the platform of Mitt Romney'    




Just when you thought there was no such thing as miracles, Tom Friedman finally acknowledges that the problem is the Republicans.  We Need a ‘Conservative’ Party