I think we should all hug a Social Worker

Social Workers are the fabric of our Society.

Just this week, I got the opportunity and the honor to observe just what Americans bring to the table. We should all see it everyday, but then again we take certain thing for granted.

I admit I have a bias when it comes to Social Workers. I know what they do each and every day. They save lives!!!! As a child, Social Workers saved my life as a kid that went through Child Abuse.

Monday, I traveled to Raymond Mississippi as the Keynote Speaker for the Mississippi "Crimes against Children Conference," and I watched as one after another when I called up some of these unsung heroes to the podium, their testimony was all the same. They do what they do because of love of helping others. It surely isn't for their salary. It was a remarkable humbling experience in that large conference room Monday. If it wasn't the Social Workers stating their love of community and doing for others, it was law enforcement officers from throughout Mississippi.

Some even broke down in tears, describing how it was THEIR honor to use some of their personal paycheck to do for poor children.

I'm here to tell you, that for an abused child that occassional movie or being taken out in public by an adult that cares, can often be the deciding factor in giving up on life
or whether the child can hang in there and obtain an education.

I think we should all hug a social worker today, and say thank you. That's what I did in Raymond Mississippi Monday. Afterall at one point or another in all of our lives, we will all need the assistance of a social worker. Someone to fight, and advocate, and help those that don't have a voice in society to stand up on their own.

A voice for the voiceless. That's what Social Workers are. Another term should be Angels on Earth.

I advocated for Social Workers on radio, on tv at NY1, and on RNN-TV. I will always do so. Here are some photos from the event.