The Gateway (Burning Pants Edition)

Given the failure of Vito Lopez's real political opponents to mount a write-in campaign for a credible candidate, Republican Richy Martinez looked to be the only Republican (other than those who cast a vote in the legislature for same sex marriage, or are running against a member of the Barron family) who was a sure-shot for a Gatemouth endorsement.

But then Martinez said, in regard to Lopez: 

"He seems like a genuine guy looking to help the community any way he can,"

Clearly, Martinez's presence on the ballot is entirely ornamental and he deserves a nick-name which sums up his purely decorative nature.

Hence, from now on he shall forever be known as Richy "Balls On The Pope" Martinez. Tarred Lawmaker Has an Easy Path  

UPDATE: Martinez later said he's really running, but his honesty is slightly less credible than Mitt Romney's. WNYC News Blog – Lopez Opponent Backpedals: I Won't Drop Out of Race 




In a new low, even for him, hate-exploiting slimeball bag of excrement and smegma David Storobin cites the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in opposition to a Mosque.  

In reality, The ADL is the founding force behind "The Interfaith Coalition for Mosques a group whose purpose the ADL describes as "…to assist Muslim communities who are being denied permission to build mosques in their neighborhoods."

Have you no shame, David?

Hey putzhead, when are you going to apologize to Abe Foxman? Storobin Sends Second Letter To Bloomberg About Voorhies Mosque | Sheepshead Bay News Blog

If I have this right, in the great mind of constitutional scholar David Storobin, the free exercise clause of the constitutional is a wonderfully elastic provision, under which: 

1) If you are an ultra-Orthodox Jew, the government has no compelling interest in informing you about the scientifically determined consequences of a medical procedure so that you can make your own choices, fully informed.    

2) If you are a modern Orthodox or non-Orthodox Jew, the government has no right to inform you about the scientifically determined consequences of a medical procedure so that you can make your own choices, fully informed, even though, if you had knowledge of how that procedure was to be performed, you would find that it violated your own religious scruples.  

3) If you are a Muslim, the same government has the power to block you from building a House of Worship, even if you have complied with all applicable government regulations.  




When the Board of Elections posted all but one (Restler/Olechowski) of the primary results on Wednesday, I thought I was the only one who noticed Simcha Felder's write-in campaign pulled off a victory against on the ballot David Storobin in the Conservative Party primary for State Senate in SD 17.

I was saving the news for use as part of my regular post-primary results analysis piece that I intended to post this weekend.

Serves me right for sitting on it, so I will report right now that the Board also certified Ben Akselrod as the Independence nominee for Assembly in AD 45, with 16 votes to Russ Gallo's 13 and Steve Cymbrowitz's 5 (two votes scattered), and declared Paula Melendez the New Democratic State Committeewoman in AD 54 against Darma Diaz, 1578 to 1520.

More to come this weekend. Simcha Felder Touts Victory Over David Storobin In Scramble For Conservative Party Line   




Obama: Now, it will be interesting to see what the guy who was playing Mitt Romney yesterday will say about foreign policy…

Certainly it will be more interesting than anything said by that guy was playing Barack Obama. He reminded me that "I like being able to fire people."

The President gave a great speech at this rally–it was a shame he was too busy to show up for the debate the night before. Obama Asks Where 'Real Mitt Romney' Went on Debate Night: Roll Call News   




Doh! Doh! Doh! Doh! Doh! Doh! Doh! Seven Chances Obama Missed   




Pants on Fire (Part 987): Romney’s Successful Debate Plan: Lying   

Pants on Fire (Part 988): Romney’s Own Website Refutes His Claim About Tax Cuts For The Rich   

Pants on Fire (Parts 989-994): The First Debate: Mitt Romney's Five Biggest Lies | Politics News | Rolling Stone   

Pants on Fire (Part 995): The Truth About Too Big To Fail: How Romney Got It All Wrong On Wall Street Reform   

Pants on Fire (Part 996): Romney shakes up the race –    

Pants on Fire (Part 997): Romney Admits Pushing Misinformation In Debate    

Pants on Fire (Part 998): Foregoing the facts    

Pants on Fire (Part 999—1026): At Last Night’s Debate: Romney Told 27 Myths In 38 Minutes   

Pants on Fire (Part 1027): Romney Tax Plan Needs Growth to Add Up: Reality Check   

Pants on Fire (Part 1028): Fact check: Romney's tax claims challenged by nonpartisan report   

Pants on Fire (Part 1029): Fact check: Romney repeats erroneous claims on healthcare   

Pants on Fire (Part 1030): Romney lied about pre-existing conditions during debate – AMERICAblog   

Pants on Fire (Part 1031): Denver Presidential Debate Live Blog – Live Coverage – Election 2012 –   

Pants on Fire (Parts 1032-1035): The Four Most Misleading Moments in Romney's Debate Performance  

Pants on Fire (Part 1036): Would a Republican Candidate Lie About Taxes?