The Gateway (Bishop of Braying Edition)

Unlike the author of this piece, I'm not questioning Mitt’s right to do what he did as a Mormon Bishop.  If you don’t like it, don’t be a Mormon.  My problem is two-fold

1) Mitt now wants to be everyone's Bishop

2) He won't even admit it. Romney chastised woman for getting life-saving abortion   




When I first published the attached back in 2009, I got national links from the strangest places. Left, right & center, Arlen Specter was the universalsolvent, Everyone had contempt for him.

It is a measure of the deterioration our politics have suffered in the last three years that a man almost universally thought of as unpleasant and uncollegial is now hailed as a symbol of how politicians used to be able to work together. "Born On The First of April"–A Film By Oliver Stone | Room Eight   




Tilzer, Gestetner and Orthodox Pundit all call the 50 AD Democratic State Committee race for Chris Olechowski (Tilzer has Lincoln Restler down by 24 votes, OP has 23).

The next stop looks to be the Courthouse. 




From the Mailbox:

"Your Felder criticism on the title for Storobin.

'Ben Bli Shem' is a hebrew expression, and can mean someonw who isn't known, I think that this newspaper and this ad have much worse expression.

Yiddish language ads are like the wild west. people dont think and dont care what they, write assuming no one will pick it up. Der Blatt is full with non-sense and down-right racisim against Vito Lopez (e.g. they accused him for a shooting in the NYCHA projects, because he helped hispanics get housing, and wrote that Olechowski's ancestors sent Jews to the gas chambers). Rabbi Niederman and his campaigns are the only ones who choose their language carefully. (although sometimes there slips in some non-sense, but it's far more filtered)."   




The Post raises an interesting question about the abuse of State Legislative per diems, but I think they are so busy looking for the purloined letter that they may have missed something staring them right in the face.

For as long as I've been in NYS politics (over 30 years) there have been Downstate legislators who spend the majority of their time, have their kids in school in and/or really live their lives in the Capital Area.

One might say, if they serve their constituents well enough to be re-elected, it does not matter.

For the sake of the argument, I will stipulate to that. But should they then be collecting per diems? On non-session days?

How many are? Politicians caught collecting Albany per diems when they're not there   




The smartest man in America explains the difference between uncertainty and risk:

"You might call this species of cocked-up forecasting the tyranny of significant digits; more broadly, it is the cardinal mistake of dressing up uncertainty—an incalculable unknown—with risk, a highly calculable gamble with discrete odds. Risk is gambling on a flush in poker, knowing the odds are one in four of drawing the suit that you need; uncertainty is playing poker without a clear idea of the rules or the distribution of cards in the deck." Uncertainty Is Indivisible