The Gateway (Thanx Jon Edition)

Michael Grimm: The New York Times would have endorsed a Democrat ham sandwich; in this instance they would have had more credibility by doing so.

Undoubtedly true, but the ham sandwich declined to run, so they were stuck.

But as usual, Grimm doesn't get it.  If Grimm had a primary, the Times would have endorsed a Republican ham sandwich against him.

And they would have had the moral high ground if they would have done so.  As they do now.

BTW, does anyone know the difference between Michael Grimm and a ham sandwich?

A ham sandwich gets indicted, even though it does not deserve to be. Times Backs Murphy In Run For Congress, Grimm Fires Back   




Malcolm Smith supplies conclusive proof that the value of a Jesuit education is overrated. New York Republicans Look Towards 2013   




In a Gatemouth exclusive, Orthodox Pundit opines upon the Restler Dilan conundrum the Restler/Dilan conundrum:

"You are clearly right that Restler wasn't crushed in these districts [the Hasidic and mixed areas whether Restler overlapped with Dilan]. He received over 45% of the vote.

Dilan actually lost, barely, the non-Hasidic portions, although it's clear he picked up a lot of Restler votes. He won the district thanks to Hasidim. I think that this is obvious. In both areas almost everybody voted in the DL race, and this was the turnout force, but around 20-25 percent skipped the senate race.

I sensed earlier that Restler had a selfish campaign. I thought that Kate Zidar dropped out cuz he wanted only his name publicized. If that's the case, it proves it's not as much as a reform agenda, as an personal ambition. If both have run, they could have picked up at least one seat (I don't think Minnuci would have driven out Hispanics, and this was the reason to leave her alone),

On the DL voters who ignored the senate race: I can tell you that the Zalis strongly campaigned for Dilan and had him on every other poster, while the Aronis haven't put out Otano's name (this may have to do with their resistance to go with the losers). Still, looking on the EDs, there are some Olechowski voters in mixed areas who ignored the Senate race.

What I find important from all these, is that Dilan won the 50th in the end thanks to the Hasidim.   




So Mourdock believes that a child being conceived through rape is part of G-d's plan, but the rape wasn't.

Does this make rape immaculate conception? Richard Mourdock: Rape, pregnancy, and God’s plan – Associated Press   




Right wingers have gotten so vile that they've found a way to admit Obama was born in American and is not a Muslim, and actually make it repugnant beyond belief.

Then they field test it with Frank Luntz. Strident Anti-Obama Messages Flood Key States   




Jews generally don't make too many distinction between different types of followers of the deity my great grandmother used to sarcastically refer to as  Rabbi Yoissel,” so I could not care less about Romney's religion.

But for those of my friends who still feel Rev. Wright Church or Obama's dad (if he really was the dad—see above)  mosque have any significance, I have to ask if Rev Wright's hatred of another race really trumps that of Brigham Young and Joseph Smith.

So, do me a favor, let' stip that it's a draw (even though Obama never proselytized for an openly racist doctrine) and move on. Religion, Race And Double Standards   




Fox News says that we do use bayonets after all.

But the President didn't say we no longer used bayonets, he said we used fewer than we used to.

Is Fox arguing that we need to increase spending to close the bayonet gap? Obama debate jab implies bayonets obsolete, but don't tell it to the Marines   




The one indisputable way in which Mitt is a genuine Reaganite: <i>Everything</i> About Romney Is Fake   




A day after Gatemouth did it, Alex Pareene lumps Bloomie and Buzz Bissinger, adding in David Brooks and Scott Adams. Our terribly confused moderates  




According to Sharon adviser Efraim Halevi, Dubya made Sharon swallow hard and accept policies he opposed, so that Bush could build his pro-war coalition in Iraq.

Let me just add that this was a war Sharon didn’t even want. Who Threw Israel Under the Bus?   




Dybbuk's teacher sent an email a month ago, seeking parents to speak to the class about the Presidential race.

Of course, I volunteered, and added that if she needed it, I could find her a Republican.

She demurred, convinced that there would be at least one.

The school is in Park Slope.

Eventually, I recruited Brooklyn insurgent Republican Jonathan Judge, who did such a bang up job that Dybbuk is no longer scared of Republicans (though he still doesn't want them to be allowed to govern or permitted to transport canines).

Love and hugs are clearly all around. The President even hugged Brooklyn GOP Chair Craig Eaton (he would have hugged Gene Berardelli as well, but his arms aren't that long).

Obama hugs Eaton; Gatemouth hugs Judge; but will Eaton ever hug Judge?

Anyway, thank you Jon!