The Gateway (Mixed Martial Politics Edition)

Who needs Mixed Martial Arts when you have Quinn versus DeBlasio?

The only thing more pathetic than Christine Quinn's explaining overturning term limits (because we were in crisis, and you can’t change horse’s asses in midstream) are the acrobatic back flips of Bill DeBlasio on term limits and member items.

In 2005, during his race for Council Speaker, DeBlasio promised his colleagues he’d  work for a legislative overthrow  of the results of two different term limits referenda).

 DeBlasio’s 180 degree turnabout was clearly a matter of expedience. In 2009, DeBlasio called this a test of character, and he was absolutely correct. His Mexican Jumping Bean position on term limits defines his character.

The same goes for member items. DeBlasio was for them before he was against them, and got his quo quidded for his troubles.

Seriously, has there ever been even one nanosecond in time when Bill DeBlasio hasn't done what was best for Bill DeBlasio at that particular moment?





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