2013 Primary Contest Prelimary List

Thanks to a former Governor, anyone reading this knows that Thursday was the deadline for candidates to file designating petitions for the Democratic, Republican, Conservative, Working Families, Green & Independence Parties.

As I do every year, I will list the possible Primary contests based on petitions filed.

Remember that many of these contests will not occur because candidates either withdraw or are removed from the ballot.

I will present some very brief information about candidates, if I know something about them. This year, I’m indebted to the excellent DecideNYC website http://www.decidenyc.com/ for information about many of the candidates.

The order I list the candidates in has no meaning.


I refer you to Gatemouth’s recent article about the Democratic candidates, including the obscure ones. You can read it at http://www.r8ny.com/blog/gatemouth/more_than_youll_ever_want_to_know_about_the_eleven_democratic_candidates_for_mayor.html

The Republicans also have some candidates besides the 3 known ones. They are Sam Sloan, who failed to get the Libertarian nod and has Citywide running mates. Sloan & his team plan to run as the Personal Freedom Party ticket in November. The other is Walter Iwachiw, a former Green Party candidate

Public Advocate

Surprisingly, no candidates from out of the woodwork filed Democratic petitions. The 5 candidates are Senator Dan Squadron, Councilwoman Letitia James, former Congressional Reshma Sujani, educator Cathy Guerriero & NYPD staffer Sidque Wai.


I don’t think I have to list the 2 Democrats running.

There might be a Republican Primary, as Richard Bozulich, running with Mayoral candidate Sam Sloan filed to oppose the official GOP choice, John Burnett.

Borough Presidents

Bronx Borough President is opposed by former District Leader Mark Escofferey-Bey.

Brooklyn Senator Eric Adams is opposed by former City Councilman John Gangemi.

In the open seat in Queens, the Democratic candidates are former Councilwoman Melinda Katz, Councilman Peter Vallone, Jr., Senator Tony Avella & businessman Everly Brown. Councilman Leroy Comrie has withdrawn.

The 4 Manhattan Democratic candidates are Councilmembers Gale Brewer, Robert Jackson, Jessica Lappin & Community Board Chair Julie Menin.

In Staten Island, retired teacher Louis Liedy & lawyer Richard Luthman are running for the right to oppose Republican Council Jimmy Oddo.

District Attorney

Brooklyn DA Joe Hynes is challenged for the Democratic nomination by former Manhattan ADA Abe George & former Federal Prosecutor Ken Thompson

For the following races, unless I write otherwise, the contests I’m describing are Democratic  Primaries.

City Council

1 CCD Councilmember Margaret Chin is challenged by District Leader Jenifer Rajkumar.

2 CCD Councilwoman Rosie Mendez has 2 opponents – Rev. Richard Del Rio & parent activist Juan Pagan

3 CCD Community Chair Corey Johnson vs. lawyer Yetta Kurland.

5 CCD Assemblyman Micah Kellner is opposed by lawyers Ben Kallos & Ed Hartzog.

6 CCD The 6 candidates are former County Board Chairs Helen Rosenthal & Mel Wymore, District Leader Marc Landis, State Committeewoman Debra Cooper, education activist Noah Gotbaum & businessman Ken Biberaj.

7 CCD 13 candidates filed petitions. They are District Leader Mark Levine, tenant leaders Alicia Barksdale & Luis Tejada, transit advocate Brodie Enoch, former District Leader Joyce Johnson, banker Gary Lyles, school administrator Mark Otto, advocate for the disabled David Sasscer-Burgos, businessman Zead Ramadan, former candidate Ruben Vargas, retired NYPD Sgt. Manuel Lantigua plus 2 unknown to me – Niurka Encanarcion & Gerard Powell

8 CCD Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito has 7 opponents –NYS Director for the League of United Latin American Citizens Ralina Cardona,, businesswoman Tamika Humphreys, health activist Angel Molina, teacher Ed Santos, minister Sean Gardner and former candidates Gwen Goodwin & Manuel Onatvia.

9 CCD Councilwoman Inez Dickers is opposed by former Congressional candidate Vince Morgan and by Mitchell Green. I can’t find anyone information on Green but I really hope it’s the former boxer. Maybe Mike Tyson will get involved.

10 CCD Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez is opposed by fiscal officer Cheryl Pahaham & former candidates Miguel Estrella & Francesca Rodriguez.

11 CCD Attorney Andrew Cohen, businessman Cliff Stanton, businesswoman Cheryl Keeling & former candidate Fernando Spies.

12 CCD Councilman Andy King, elected last year is opposed by educator Pamela Johnson & by Lenford Edie & Adeyemi Oloruntoba.

13 CD Councilman Jimmy Vacca is challenged by crime victims’ activist Awilda Cordero & former candidate Irene Estrada

14 CCD Councilman Fernando Cabrera is opposed by Jessica Vigueras

15 CCD The Chief of Staff to retiring Councilman Joel Rivera, Albert Alvarez is running, along with another person named Joel Rivera, Council aide Ritchie Torres, Rev. Joel Bauza, lawyer Cynthia Tompkins, immigration activist Raquel Batista & District Leader Kenny Agosto.

16 CCD Assemblywoman Vanessa Gibson is running, as are former CUNY student leader Carlos Sierra, lawyer Winston Rouse, retired NYPD officer Carlton Berkley, youth worker Newsome, Community Board Chair Bola Omotosho, Council aide Naaimat Muhammed, tenant organizer Daryl Johnson & accountant Pedro Alvarez (who is not the Pittsburgh third baseman)

17 CCD           Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo is challenged by businessman Julio Pabon.

18 CCD Councilwoman Annabel Palma’s opponent is former Council aide William Moore.

19 CCD Former Assemblyman John Duane (broth of Tom) , urban planner Paul Graziano, former Council candidate Paul Vallone (son of Peter Sr. & brother of Peter Jr.), former NYS official Austin Shafran & former aide Chrissy Voskerchian  are running.

22 CCD           District Leader Costas Constaninides is opposed by former candidate John Ciafone & business owner Constantinos Pretzas.

24 CCD Assemblyman Rory Lancman is opposed by community activist Andrea Veras and according to document I was given, former candidate Mujib Rahman. However Rahman ran 4 years ago in 26th CCD and address listed is also in 26th CCD. So there might be an error.

Also, there might be an error among Republicans here as Veras is also listed as opponent to Republican candidate Alexander Blishteyn.

It’s possible if these are errors, they have already been corrected.

27 CCD           Assembly aide Manny Caughman, civic leader Gregory Mays, legislative counsel Joan Flowers, lawyer Clyde Vanel, union President Daneek Miller & union staffer Sondra Peeden are running.

28 CCD Councilman Ruben Wills’ opponents are minister David Kayode, lawyer Hettie Powell, children’s advocate Christine Winslow & tenant leader Eugene Evans.

31 CCD Councilman Donovan Richards, elected earlier this year is challenged by one of his earlier rivals, Michael Duncan & by Ricardo Brown.

32 CCD District Leader Lew Simon is opposed by William Ruiz for the right to oppose Republican Councilman Eric Ulrich.

33 CCD Councilman Steve Levin is opposed by publisher Stephen Pierson.

34 CCD Former Assemblyman Vito Lopez opponents are Council aide Antonio Reynoso, teacher Tommy Torres & former candidates Humberto Soto & Gladys Santiago.

35 CCD           District Leader Olanike Alabi is running, as are museum head Laurie Cumbo, lawyer Frank Hurley, Council aide Ede Fox & Occupy activist Jelani Mashariki.

36 CCD District Leader Robert Cornegy Jr, former Sharpton aide Kirsten John Foy, businessman Reginald Swiney, minister Robert Waterman & ministers & former Muslim leader Conrad Tillard are the candidates.

37 AD Assembly Rafael Espinal is running, along with former Council aide Mike Nieves, teacher Helal Sheikh, housing activist Kimberly Council & former candidate Heriberto Mateo.

38 CCD           Councilwoman Sara Gonzalez is opposed by former Council aide Carlos Menchaca.

40 CCD           Councilman Mathieu Eugene has 3 opponents – WABC TV VP Saundra Thomas, electrical engineer John Grant & former NYS official Sylvia Kinard (ex-wife of Bill Thompson).

41 CCD           Councilwoman Darlene Mealy’s challengers are union activist Byron Wright, education activist Kathleen Daniel, minister Alfonso Jackson & former candidate Stanley Kinard.

42 CCD           Assemblywoman Inez Barron is running to succeed her husband Charles, as is her most recent Assembly opponent Chris Banks, settlement house manager Sean Henry, parent leader Nikki Lucas, educator Regina Powell, planner Leon Miles & former candidates John Whitehead, Prince Lewis & Donnezzetta  Brown.

44 CCD           Councilman David Greenfield is opposed by Jacob Flusberg, who has a Facebook page with a picture with Marty Markowitz & not much else.

45 CCD           Councilman Jumaane Williams’ opponents are Haitian leader Jean Similien & cab driver Godwin Williams.

46 CCD           Assemblyman Alan Maisel & Senate aide Mercedes Narcisse are running.

47 CCD           Council aide John Lisyanisky, Assembly aide Mark Tryger, preservationist Todd Dobrin & minister Connis Mobley are running.

48 CCD           District Leader Ari Kagan, Community Board Chair Teresa Scavo, lawyer Igor Oberman, Council aide Chaim Deutsch & lawyer Natraj Bhusan are running

50 CCD           The last Council Districts is also the site of Primaries in both parties. For the Democrats, it’s Council aide John Mancuso vs. Court Attorney Mendy Mirocznik & for the Republicans, its Council aide Steve Matteo vs. former TV reporter Lisa Giovinazzo.


53 AD  3 candidates are running to succeed former Assemblyman Vito Lopez – District Leader Martitza Davila, Senate aide Charveys Gonzalez & former Senate candidate Jason Otano.

86 AD  The race to replace former Assemblyman Nelson Castro has Schumer aide Victor Pichardo, former Assemblyman Israel Martinez, District Leader Yudelka Tapia, former District Leader Hector Ramirez, former Senate aide Haile Rivera, Castro’s candidate Keny Nunez & Castro’s nemesis Richard Soto.

In the races, for Judge & Party Officers, I will attempt to list the incumbents and/or “regular” candidates first.

Civil Court Judges

Bronx County Wide  Judge Larry Schachner is opposed by Miguel Santiago

Bronx 1 JD    Armando Montano & Daniel Simonette are running.

Bronx 2 JD    Julia Rodriguez is opposed by Armando Lopez.

Queens          2 JD   Sally Unger is opposed by Deborah Hamilton

Party Office

Queens Republicans

State Committee

25 AD  William Garifal vs. Robert Mongelli

26 AD  County Leader Phil Ragusa vs. Salvatore Bacrella & Judith Stupp vs. Annemarie Devlin

27 AD  Marie Lynch vs.        Joan Vogt & Ralph Cefalo vs. Jay Jaffe

28 AD  County Leader candidate Bart Haggerty vs. Juan Reyes & Amanda Kohut vs. Catherine Reyes

29 AD  Scherie Murray vs. Maureen Petiphare

30 AD  Daniel Creighton vs. Anthony Nunziato & Rosemarie Iacovone vs. Margaret Ognibene

31 AD  Kevin Singh vs. Joseph Kasper

32 AD  Naim Walker vs. Lawrence Harris & Elaine Jackson vs. Katherine James

34 AD  Robert Beltrani vs. Ben Fabrizi, Jr. & Maria Beltrani vs. Maria Fabrizi

35 AD  Melvin Morgan vs. Fernando Bernal & Ruby Muhammad vs. Ivy Mingott

37 AD  Samiha Makawi vs. Frances Schmidt

38 AD  Nicholas Bellucci vs. William Johnert

39 AD  Angel Munoz vs. Kevin Hanratty & Amanda Munoz vs. Myrna Littlewort

40 AD  Neil Triveldi vs. Oliver Tan & Jean Leavey vs. Catherine Giuliani

Brooklyn Republicans

State Committee

44 AD  Glen Nocera vs. David Greene

45 AD  Boris Pincus vs.        Mikhail Ysupov

46 AD  Dominick Sarta vs. Marcus Nussbaum & Clorinda Annarummo vs. Lucretia Regina-Potter

47 AD  Ronald D’Angelo vs. Peter Cipriano

48 AD  Michael Fettman vs. Carl Caller

49 AD  Paul DiSpirito vs. Stephen Maresca & Angela Petit vs. Kate Binni

59 AD  Edward Matrano vs. Daniel Cavanagh

Manhattan Democrats

District Leader

65 AD, Part C District Leader Jenifer Rajkumar is opposed by Robin Forst

66 AD, Part A District Leader Jonathan Geballe has 2 opponents – State Committee member Arthur Schwartz and Deley Gazinelli.

68 AD, Part A Patricia Moore, Theresa Richardson, Rose Jimenez & Lashwan Henry are running.

68 AD, Part C District Leader John Ruiz is opposed by Edward Gibbs

68 AD, Part D             District Leader Keith Lilly’s opponent is Joshua Mercado & Leader Cordell Cleare’s is Elva Guevara.

69 AD, Part A District Leader Bob Botfeld is challenged by former Council candidate Thomas Lopez-Pierre & District Leader Cynthia Doty is opposed by former Leader Carmen Quinones and by Iris Mejia.

72 AD, Part A Senator Adriano Espaillat’s re-election as Leader is opposed by Miguel Cruz & Michael Ortiz & 2 Female District Leaders are opposing each other – Part A Leader Albania Lopez vs. Part B Leader Maria Morillo

72 AD, Part B Assemblywoman Gabriela Rosa, Angelina Cruz & Alsacia Jimenez are running for Female Leader & Male District Leader Manny De Los Santos is opposed by Christopher Hazeltine & George Espinal.