Is Speaker Heastie a “creature” of the crooked system Silver Created

I don’t know a single Journalist that has much knowledge about new Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie.  It’s commendable that Heastie still teaches math part-time at Monroe Community College to young people, but on behalf of the Residents of New York State, we must hope that Michael Goodwin in the NY Post is not accurate.

“Banish any nagging doubts that new Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie isn’t up to the job. He assumes his throne bearing an endorsement from none other than the disgraced Sheldon Silver, who declares Heastie ‘a good man.’Well, then, off we go into the brave new world of Albany make-believe. Out with the old, in with the old. Heastie … is a creature of the crooked system Silver created. From rewarding donors to skirting the rules on per-diem claims and spending campaign cash for personal use, the new boss followed the lead of the old boss. He got ahead by going along.”

Here is how we discussed the situation on Verizon FiOS News/RNN-TV Tuesday Night.

  • Larry Littlefield

    Best case scenario — Al Smith. A creature of the system that turned out to be better than the system that created him.

    Worst case — all the other state legislators of today.

    What is amazingly similar about Silver and Heastie is that they say nothing, so no one knows what they are for or against.