Beat the Meatles

McCartney:  Well, she was just 17,
You know what I mean?

It’s getting worse:

Gatemouth (yesterday): "Who knows what is a double-click away with Weiner?

…A unvetted fifteen year old he swore looked nineteen?" Report: Underage Girl Questioned in Connection to Weiner | PolitickerNY


It's getting much worse.

When Chris Lee quit before anyone asked him to, it was because he knew exactly what was out there to be found (evidence of transgender curiosity).

But it is worse for Anthony.

He has no idea whether there a minor out there or not.

If there isn't, it will be pure dumb luck.

And lately, Anthony has not been very lucky. Police interview girl, 17, over 'direct online communications' with Weiner – Maggie Haberman


It gets far, far worse.

And, yes, I consider the source.

But, I also condier the target. Patterico's Pontifications » Evidence That Weiner Was Talking Dirty to Underage Girls? Part 3