Warning to Barack: Don’t Blow This

The last column I wrote relative to Barack Obama and this upcoming presidential election didn’t go down well with some of his sycophants, as I received more than my share of quiet protests through various channels. As I said in that qualified column, I really don’t want to give Republicans more ammunition for November, and I have started to feel that if I don’t keep my big mouth (well in this case: “big typewriter”) shut, I will be helping to load any Republican’s gun, as he or she canvasses the nation in obvious desperation and distress, come October. So I cringe while watching a series of mistakes being made by a campaign that should be slam dunking its way to another victory and more glory. 

Who thought up that presidential seal idea? WTF? And couldn’t that foreign trip be toned down a bit, to not arrogantly reflect some type of premature victory tour? After all -and as much as a vast majority of us hate to say it- Bush is still our one and only president. And this is factual despite many of us praying for November to hurry up. November is like Heinz ketchup: slow in coming out the bottle. That is pissing-off many people (myself included).

I also shudder when I watch the unnecessary gaffes that have been made since Billary was put away for good in early June; but I am not expounding on one damn thing more here. Not even my close political friends could get me to dissect what’s been going on with this campaign lately. And I have stopped going to my shrink since earlier this year, so you know I am choking up and may be in need of a political Heimlich maneuver soon. Please God, don’t let me politically choke to death. Who will write my columns/lol?

So without going too deep here, let me just give it to Barack Obama straight and with no chaser: do not pick a male to be your vice-presidential running mate. Put that up on your refrigerator door. It must be a woman; stupid.

Okay, with that out of the way, I can give you folks “a lil some some” (as they say in the hood). Don’t expect but a mere sip of the Rock Hackshaw kool-aid. And you don’t have to drink it: since it won’t be the last time that you avoided something good for you/lol. 

To a great extent, the person who becomes vice-president of our nation, experiences on the job training for the presidency. This OJT has produced many a president in past years -ask George Bush’s dad (#41). The person nominated for the vice-presidency by the party that loses the general election usually becomes the favorite to win that party’s nomination four years later -ask Walter Mondale about this. Barack can boost the aspirations of many women, relative to the presidency of the USA, were he to select a female -win or lose. 

The vice-presidency (Veep) is one of very few inside tracks to the presidency, and in his veep selection process, Barack has to be looking way beyond his possible tenure(s) in the White House -should he be successful. If not, then he fooled us: and it’s all about him and his ego and not really about true change. Now stay with me, this isn’t Latin folks; if Barack is serious about the future and about real change: he has to set up a woman for the hand-off of the baton. Even an imbecile must know this. 

All those women (young, old and middle-aged) who innocently stumbled on to this year’s presidential contest, and decided to support Hillary Clinton with the enthusiasm of political veterans, will never be the same again. They can feel it now. They can sense that victory isn’t too far off. Their political innocence is now lost. And you know what they say about innocence, it’s like virginity: “once lost it is never regained”. 

Not having a woman on the ticket of either party will be a setback for feminism. And although setbacks are often enough, set-ups for comebacks, it won’t sit well with a vast majority of women now, who are even more active in the political process than at anytime since the suffragette movement of the early 1900s. 

If on the Democrat’s side a woman is not set up to be the favorite for the next presidency, then many women will stay home and not vote in this upcoming election. Also, some female democrats (especially Clintonistas) will punish Obama by voting for John McCain. If a female is not chosen for Veep by either major party, then it will take many many years to develop another challenger like Hillary Clinton; and she turned out to be the closest to having a serious shot of being the first “Madam President” of the USA. Sorry to tell you Condoleezza Rice fans this: “Candy” is not the one.

Despite Senator Joe Biden’s overwhelming appeal for the post of “hatchet man” (better known as the vice-presidential running mate) during the rest of the presidential campaign; and despite his foreign policy expertise, eloquence, general knowledge, legislative experience and many other fine attributes; Biden is wearing the wrong dress at this point in history. He would make an excellent pit bull for this upcoming presidential campaign (post-Labor Day); but not this time, not this year. He will have to settle for Secretary of State; that’s it. Sorry Joe; you see Star-Kist only accepts tunas that taste good, “not ones with fine tastes”/LOL. 

Listen up folks; women were fired up, willing, waiting and ready, for the first female president of the USA. Women all over the industrial world have been watching this presidential drama unfold; not just here in America. They are fed up; especially the skilled, educated, sophisticated and highly cultured ones. They are sick and tired of being sick and tired of what they see as systemic male chauvinistic abuse and inequality. Losing the primary was a major disappointment to them. 

Folks; this thing isn’t over until the fat lady sings some more (or again). And she better be singing a tune the other ladies want to hear: like female vice-presidential candidate. It’s another question of choice, this time in another form. 

If (God forbid) something was to happen to Obama before the convention next month, that rendered him incapable of filling the top spot on the ticket, which gender do you think will be more vociferous in vying to replace him? And in such an uprising would you be surprised? You shouldn’t be; unless you haven’t been reading the signs over the last hundred years or so.

Listen up; women are pushing hard for equality (and rightly so), and the greatest symbol for their arrival would have been the capturing of the big enchilada: the US presidency. Today, the feminist struggle is at its zenith. Why do you think that a candidate as objectively flawed as Hillary Clinton, did so well in the primaries? It wasn’t her victory over the male competitors in the area of policy-wonkishness; she didn’t give better public speeches than Barack; and it surely wasn’t her fashion statements made with all those multi-colored pants-suits. It was the fact that she carried with her thousands of years of female frustration(s). She carried with her thousands of years of female aspirations, dreams, ambitions and hopes. 

So now that they didn’t win the gold, well………………………………… the silver medal is the next best thing.

I could do a dissertation on this: but I will say no more; for now at least. 

Stay tuned-in folks; I will surprise you yet.