The Arab Rising

Many worry that the Arab Rising may be a short lived phenomena susceptible to violent put downs by autocratic government forces throughout the region.  This is simply not true.  A reading of Anwar Sadat’s autobiography reveals that in the past Arab freedom fighters were quite willing to face adversity, imprisonment and death for their cause and in the end seek out political solutions to their situations.  Sadat did all of this during British colonial rule and went onto become the leader of Egypt and a signatory to a peace accord with Israel.


So fears that Libyan freedom forces faced utter destruction at the hands of Qaddafi are unfounded.  If the history of Egyp,t now and in the 20th Century, are any indication those forces would have survived against the onslaught of Qaddafi and his forces.  The same holds true in Syria where the autocrats are seeking assistance from Iran a country which will find itself on the wrong side of history based on the assessment discussed above.


The other news being reported is that Egyptians now feel optimistic about their future.  This may undo years of frustration with their own autocratic government and those nations that supported it like the United States.  In other words this good will feeling from the pro democracy movement’s success may temper anti-American sentiment in the region.


Turning to Israel we saw earlier that the Sadat era  brought about peace between both nations.  This gives us hope for a new generation of peaceful relations that may break out beyond Egypt to other nations in the region undergoing the rising.  After all the most successful risings were those that were peaceful and non violent as was the case in Egypt.


What is the best course for America?  Contrary to our war politicians, who were never friends to Muslims, we should stay out of the conflict.  Our involvement may have an adverse impact on the pro democracy forces as well as our own security.  Again a reading of Sadat’s book shows that the Arab people are quite capable of getting the job done without outside interference.  Those in the West should be content to sit back and observe the rebirth of a great civilization.