Hillary 2012

The free fall of the extremist driven debt ceiling crisis and the resulting egregious agreement that followed it has after three years of weak leadership left President Obama severely wounded with doubts rising as to his ability to now win the 2012 presidential election.


It is time for Democrats to take bold action and put forth Hillary Clinton as their candidate in 2012.  Obama has not lived up to expectations and he has surrounded himself with weak supporters and so he presents no real threat in a primary campaign.


The Democratic Party and the nation as a whole is thoroughly disillusioned with Obama’s lackluster leadership which trips from one crisis to the next with little to show in the way of real solutions.


Hillary Clinton was supposed to be our candidate in 2008 until Obama’s oratory of hope carried us away but that hope has turned to despair and we have nowhere else to look for leadership but to Hillary Clinton unless you favor the current extremist brand of Republican running or planning to run for president.


Hillary Clinton would never have let defeated Republicans toss her around like a rag doll in 2009 nor would she have given up on the public option.  The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would be long over and terrorism threats would be abated.  The economy by now would be running at full throttle with many of our unemployed finding themselves back in meaningful jobs.


The time is right to restore America’s upward trajectory by putting Hillary in the White House in 2012 so that from despair there will rise new hope, peace and prosperity for one and all.