The GOP Wrap On Tin Foil

As a former Republican I have observed that the GOP has been in a train wreck and many of its members are in a state of trauma unable to effect action.  Oh the party has not lost power but instead undergone a seismic shift in demographics.


The shift began during the administration of Bush Jr. when moderates began fleeing the party because of Bush’s unjust invasion of Iraq and other extremist policies like making gays into scapegoats.  In moderate eyes at least groups like gays were to be sought after in the spirit of the open tent.  Unfortunately Bush had ripped down that tent.


The flight of moderates left a void in the party.  New people did not come in to fill that void but moderates were replaced by people that were already in place.  This group rose up and took control of the party.


These were the so called marginalized fringe lunatics who had always been kept in place by a strong moderate base.  These fringe elements in fact were often the target of mockery.  They were derided by moderates as the ones who wore tin foil hats to protect against gamma ray exposure from the government.


Well without moderates to hold back the fringe tide the crazies took charge and those who remained from the moderate base found themselves dependent on them for primary votes.  You now needed the crazies to stay in power so Republicans shifted their political positions putting on the proverbial tin foil hat if you will.


And there is no way this is going to change for the foreseeable future outside some tsunami like event so either roll up your tin foil for the recycle bin or walk it over to your Republican neighbor’s house where it will now be put to good use by them.