Governor Rick Perry: American or Texan First?

So now Governor Rick Perry of Texas wants to run for president of the United States of America.  It seems like only yesterday that this modern day Sam Houston wanted Texas to leave the United States and become its own nation and he even had done some research on this and found that it could be done legally.


The question then becomes what he will do if elected president about Texas.  Will he let that state go free and become its own nation?  Will this lead to other states departing as well?  Will he as president just stand by and let them all go or will he fight to preserve the nation he has taken an oath to protect?  Will he make a decision based on the results of a massive prayer rally in Washington? 


And what if Texas goes; does that mean Texans living in other states must be deported from the United States as illegal aliens?   Will liberal churches rise up and offer sanctuaries for all these Texans threatened with deportation.  Does the Bush library lose its federal funding now because it is in a foreign country?  And who gets all the oil?


Now Perry likes to talk about his job creation and how that makes him qualified to be president.  Well Paul Krugman of the New York Times reports that unemployment in Texas is better than Florida but worse than New York making for a mediocre performance really.


And what kinds of jobs have been created by this self proclaimed hater of big government?  You got it, two kinds, government jobs and being the fry man at McDonalds and that is the Texas economic miracle.


Perry talks about building a wall between Texas and Mexico to keep all the immigrants out but maybe we should build a wall around Texas sealing Perry in like a cask of amontillado so he does little or no harm to America.