Direct Democracy Now

The Capitol Building in Washington should be dismantled and a park filled with flowers built in its place.  Its halls are filled mostly with the moral misfits of the nation who without their jobs in Congress would be mopping floors in their local prison.


Fortunately, the ancient Greeks offer a solution to the problem.  It is called direct democracy and it is where every eligible voter votes directly on laws and chooses an overall leader or president if you will to carry out these laws.


Once a month the voters assemble in each local district and vote on legislation and once a year choose a national leader.  There would be millions of citizen legislators this way too many to be corrupted by corporate goons or ideological types from the fever swamps.


Voting could be done electronically with national results posted immediately.  The president need only carry out the law and do nothing else.  The citizens would also choose judges from the Supreme Court on down who would each serve a one year term.


As you can see direct democracy works far more efficiently than our current system of representative democracy which does nothing but push our own responsibilities as members of a democracy onto the shoulders of those willing to do the job but who are truly unfit for such duty.  Direct democracy is also impervious to corruption.


The time for complaining is over and the need for bold action is upon us, choose direct democracy now.