A Schmuck in the Ladies’ Room (AKA Human Pappas-loathsome Virus)


“The Democratic party will indeed suffer the consequences of its actions. Republican women who crossed over for Hillary will go back to their own party, while others will either stay home or write in their votes for Hillary. Still others will leave the party that has no respect for the women who constitute two thirds of it's (sic) base.

In recent times, the Republicans have stood for their beliefs. Although many of us progressives fight vehemently against their platform, at least we know who the enemy is. This time the Democrats have shown their true colors and it's high time for a party that respects the needs and rights of over half the population. Maybe Senator Clinton should start a National Women's Party. She certainly has the base she would need to make it happen. At least that party will state its mission clearly through it's title. The Democrats certainly did not live up to their name.”

Exit Ghost


“I always joke that my intellectual formation was through Jewish scholars and writers, even though I didn’t know it at the time. Whether it was theologians or Philip Roth who helped shape my sensibility, or some of the more popular writers like Leon Uris.” –Barack Obama

I’m trying not to picture Senator Obama in the throes of passion with a piece of raw liver moaning “Yes we can”. But I did not come here today to wax Roth, but rather to discuss the major cause precedent to the Senator’s literary midrash excerpted above, Obama’s association with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, an association he has just terminated.

“Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some Arizonan junk that’s going round” (John McCain’s Cheap Trick)


‘‘He really has no experience or knowledge or judgment about the issue of Iraq and he has wanted to surrender for a long time,’’                                            

                                                       John McCain 5/26/08

“Candidate Clinton has called for surrender and waving the white flag,”                                             

                                                       John McCain 1/23/08

“L’amour Viole” (it’s a cinematic reference)[already revised]


“You see, today, Hillary Clinton brought up the June 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy, ostensibly as a justification for her staying in the race this long. She apparently said this before the editorial board of a newspaper in South Dakota. It was disgraceful. Her words were something to the effect that, Robert (Bobby) Kennedy was assasinated in "June" that year. In other words:shit happens; and it can happen very late in the race. She needs to withdraw from the race immediately. The obvious implications of her statements are that Obama could be assassinated before the nomination is finalized at the August convention. This is shocking and beats all the disgraceful things she has already said and done in this campaign. This is indefensible. Once again she has messed with something that is sacred (and taboo) in American politics; and just like her Martin Luther King/ Lyndon B. Johnson remarks: she will pay a big price. Politically speaking: this woman is mortally wounded. She has finally assasinated herself. Desperation and hunger for power can do that.”      

FROM HYSTERICAL FRICTION TO HISTORICAL FICTION (an overly long and thoroughly botched token of sincerity)


“So how did the DNC choose to recognize the growth of local blogs "in line with Governor Dean's 50-state strategy"? Mostly, they got it right. At least in 45 states. But they blew it big time in five others, dissing some of the best state bloggers in the country.

In New York, the excellent Albany Project was passed over for a site focused on NY City founded by the Politico's Ben Smith. Go to that site, and it's nothing but press releases. [Update: That press release page is a lower-level page, which I got when I clicked on the "blog" link in their navigation. They have real writers on their home page.]”



“And, from my vantage point as a pragmatic Clintonite/DLC, neo-lib, New Democrat, Hillary (now that Feingold has departed and Kerry self destructed) stands as the least pragmatic choice available for 2008. If propping her up is the real reason behind efforts for Dean’s removal, I’ll yell out a hog-call for Howard and the level playing field he ensures, as I prepare to support Bayh, Biden, Richardson, Obama or Gore” –Gatemouth 11/13/06

The Cream Rises


Announcement from the Democratic National Convention Committee:


Recognizing the growth of more localized blogs, this pool is designed for those covering state and local politics. To qualify as a state blogger, the applicant’s blog must have been in existence six months prior to requesting credentials and have at least 120 politically related blog posts. Bloggers must submit their daily audience and list their authority based on Technorati stats. Bloggers may also provide examples of posts that make their blog stand out as an effective online organizing tool and/or agent of change.

McGreeveyous Injury [aka The Sport(****ing) Authority of New York and New Jersey]


Yes, if I were Governor David Paterson, I’d want to change the subject. I’m just not sure I’d want to change the subject to drugs. Well, maybe. At least we can be sure that the drug weren’t paid for with campaign funds or the public treasury. Well, actually, with this Governor even that is probably somewhat less than certain. What can be said with certainty is, despite competition from his nose and nether regions, the bodily organs which have so far caused the Governor the most damage are his mouth and tongue.