Saturday morning crystallized what this campaign is really about. I will now outline my theory of this year’s Presidential race.
Other have hinted around the edges of what I’m about to say, but no one’s made the connections.
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Saturday morning crystallized what this campaign is really about. I will now outline my theory of this year’s Presidential race.
Other have hinted around the edges of what I’m about to say, but no one’s made the connections.
As I write this (or first did on Facebook) “Pal Joey” is on TCM, playing in the background and I can't help thinking how much cooler Richard Rogers was when Lorenz Hart was doing his lyrics instead of Oscar Hammerstein.
How can we tell Shabbos is sacred?
Who needs the IDC to undermine you, when you are perfectly capable of doing it yourself?
Romney's praises Ben-GurionCare (enacted by a socialist anti-colonialist)
If he'd agree to propose it himself, I might have to vote for him.
Not for the squeamish: a video of Mindy Meyers driving a car and making her case to black voters.
The attached article is mostly old news for Gatemouth readers, but at least it mostly gets it right:
MARTY GOLDEN: “It’s very difficult. It’s their religious right to put up these individual mosques as one would put up a church or a synagogue and it’s difficult to stop it. That’s what the Constitution is based on.”
Where the Mayor goes for accurate info:
An excerpt from a discussion with the Mayor's Press Secretary, after a friendship request followed my mention of his lovely wife.
Stu Loeser: I read it [the blog] from time to time…
Gate: is this what Bloomie pays you for?
I'm a big fan of Aaron Sorkin, who writes some smart crisp dialogue, and often adds a nice pragmatic edge to conventional liberalism while being funny (sound like anyone we know?), but every once in awhile he displays some world class political ignorance.
He's especially clueless about vacancies in Congress.