A key part of the GOP narrative recently so successful in Brooklyn and Queens is that Barack Obama presents a threat to Israel and that one must vote Republican to send a message about where one stands.
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A key part of the GOP narrative recently so successful in Brooklyn and Queens is that Barack Obama presents a threat to Israel and that one must vote Republican to send a message about where one stands.
Dan Halloran's announcement for Congress will be a colorful ceremony, featuring the ritual sacrifice of a malingering Sanitation worker.
Don't worry though; like Dan's qualifications, the Sanitation worker doesn't actually exist.
This week, opponents of same sex marriage and State Senate Republicans worked together on what seems likely to be, at best, a purely symbolic victory for the former and a pyrrhic victory for the latter.
GATEMOUTH (DECEMBER 20, 2011): As I’ve noted, Fidler has a strong
Reading Storobin's Mind: "No, I wouldn't run over MY GRANDMOTHER to get elected; my grandmother is dead." Election Day Craziness In Storobin-Fidler Race
LARRY LITTLEFIELD: But consider this — you haven't said anything good about Fidler.
Sometimes I don’t give myself enough credit. A friend wrote to remind me that I predicted Gary Ackerman’s retirement in September 2010.
I want to apologize to Micah Kellner, Vanessa Gibson and Marco Crespo for inadvertently leaving them off my initial list of NYC Assemblymembers who voted “No” on the redistricting bill.
The big news from tonight's meeting of the 52nd AD's Independent Neighborhood Democr