A reader complained that I'd laid into State Senator Dan Squadron's for his empty opposition to housing in Brooklyn Bridge Park, but spared Assemblywoman Joan Millman.
I'd explain the difference between Millman and Squadron thusly.
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A reader complained that I'd laid into State Senator Dan Squadron's for his empty opposition to housing in Brooklyn Bridge Park, but spared Assemblywoman Joan Millman.
I'd explain the difference between Millman and Squadron thusly.
From: Azi Paybarah
ED: Slow down, don’t vote too fast.
You got to make those Dems the past.
start knocking down some Arab’s homes.
Looking for fun and voting goofy.
Ba da, Ba da, Ba da, Ba da…votin' goofy.
Hello Weprins,
How’s yo daddy'?
I've come to kick Saul’s ass, I’m baddy.
Ain't cha got no time for Ed?
Doot-in' doo-doo,
Feelin' not dead.
I've got nothing to do,
and no reasons why.
It is maddening to be viciously and inaccurately attacked on the web, and be denied the opportunity to print a response in the place you were attacked. People should have the opportunity to read the response on the thread where the original attack was made.
Bob Turner's commitment to Social Security turns out not to encompass most of those not already receiving it: "Turner told attendees at the fundraiser that some of his most important goals are to preserve Social Security for people 55 and over"
Correction time: The very damning quote from Bob Turner linked here about cutting the budget 35% was not from June 2001, that was a typo–the quote was from last month (and the date is now corrected).