The Gateway (MSNBC Outfoxes Fox Edition)


I still think Anthony Weiner should be MSNBC’s next prime time host, and if they’re looking for a black host, I’d go with either Eugene Robinson or Melissa Harris-Perry, but even though I agree with all of McWhorter's criticisms of Sharpton and might even go further, I don't know where "right and wrong" comes into a hiring decision at MSNBC.

If Sharpton pleases the network's existing and profitable fan base, or expands it into new potentially profitable demographics, then it is the "right," decision.

A Centrist Case Against a Party of “The Radical Center”


When it comes to international affairs, Thomas Friedman seems a sensible guy, equally subject to criticism from leftie Israel bashers for being anti-Palestinian and right wing Zionists for being anti-Israel.

But once he lands in the States, all Friedman’s brains seemingly go out the window.

For a while now, Friedman has been one of punditocracy’s leading voices calling for the creation of a third party of the “Radical Center.” .

Turning Japanese


WIKIPEDIA: In common English usage, a Kabuki dance is an activity or drama carried out in real life in a predictable or stylized fashion, reminiscent of the Kabuki style of Japanese stage play. It refers to an event that is designed to create the appearance of conflict or an uncertain outcome, when in fact the actors have worked together to determine the outcome beforehand.

The Gateway (Peyser Imbecilty Strikes Again Edition)


Peyser on Town Clerks: "I cannot fathom why New York allows a rabbi, priest or Shinto minister to refuse, legally, to perform gay weddings — but the law extends not one lick of respect to nonordained individuals of faith."

Let me explain it to you real, real slow.

Clergy are officials of a religious denomination who are under no legal obligation to do anything but administer the tenets of their faith. You don't go to a Rabbi for a baptism or a Priest for a bris.

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