I link here, a good example of false moral equivalency “they’re all the same”
The Gateway (Deficit of Accountability Edition)
|The Gateway (Bitter Herbs and Bitter Diatribes Edition)
|Goodwin: "Hevesi was…Elected to the Legislature in 1970, he was an unremarkable soldier in the party army."
While I have no rachmonis for Hevesi, the gravity of this story is ill served by such ignorant bloviation.
My Life as a Slave (AKA Lying Back and Enjoying Being Scraped)
|My rule against commenting on pending and impending matters of litigation in the United States of America or its territories prevents me from opining about the law suit filed against The Huffington Post by its frequent (216 pieces) and voluntary contributor, my old buddy, far left wing lunatic Jonathan Tasini.
The Gateway (No Rachmonis Edition)
|Mole333 once upbraided me upbraided for making fun of the idea one could really believe in a candidate.
The Gateway (Burning the Chametz and the Politicians Edition) CORRECTION ADDED
No surprise that the Post would choose to focus their self-righteous rage upon Peter Abbate rather than Marty Golden; to do otherwise would overly complicate the party (tea) line with more nuance than usually found in its pages in any given month.
But the issue deserves better.
The Gateway (Salute to John Gish Edition)
Buried within this article is news that one of the Democratic Assembly candidates (the Mayor of Maywood) in New Jersey Legislative District 38 is openly gay (And no, Asbury Park is nowhere near the district).
The Gateway (Fistic Pizza Edition)
|GATEMOUTH (1/14/11): The best place to get a slice.
MICK: “I see a schoolhouse, the Mayor wants it painted Black
No money anymore, he wants them to turn Black
I see the girl walk by dressed in her high class clothes
I have to turn my head until her darkness goes
I see some limousines and they're all painted Black
No flowers and no love, she’s never coming back
I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
Like a dead body, it don't happen ev'ryday
No more will her green eyeshades go turn a deeper hue
The Gateway (Bailing Out and Shutting Down Edition)
I knew Cathie Black was done, but Walcott surprised me; I was expecting Bloomie to appoint Tina Brown.
The question remains whether getting the same policies executed more competently really counts as some sort of victory
The Gateway (Ryan’s Brother Edition)
|Ryan wants to cut popular programs to finance a tax cut for the rich; perhaps he should become a Democrat and run for Governor of New York.