Isn't the Mayor's job powerful enough without giving a Mayoral Agency the power to appoint a watchdog to keep the Council in line?
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Isn't the Mayor's job powerful enough without giving a Mayoral Agency the power to appoint a watchdog to keep the Council in line?
Back in 2009, in the aftermath of Bill Thompson’s shocking near victory for Mayor, I pretty much made the case for Anthony Weiner:
Weiner on a potential Mayoral race: “We are ready to clear the decks on this thing.”
Who needs Mixed Martial Arts when you have Quinn versus DeBlasio?
Much to my disappointment, few have followed up on my recent posts about presumptive Brooklyn Beep Eric Adams (here are a couple more to peruse).
Lavatories of Democracy Department: States outlaw Upton Sinclair.
The sick leave bill is win/win for everyone.
Labor and the WFP get to claim a victory, while the business establishment gets a bill they can live with, unlikely under its terms to cause much harm to the city's economy or many individual businesses. Quinn gets credit from all sides and some people actually get some sick days.