The Gateway (Inglorious Basterds Edition)


Marty Golden's Pulp Fiction: "I'm not sayin' he was right, but you're sayin' a foot massage don't mean nothing, and I'm sayin' it does. I've given a million ladies a million foot massages and they all meant somethin'. We act like they don't, but they do. That's what's so fuckin' cool about 'em. This sensual thing's goin' on that nobody's talkin about, but you know it and she knows it," 

Strongly for a Parker Inquiry, Tentatively Against a Parker Expulsion


SENATOR RUBEN DIAZ, SR: I’d like to know if my colleagues in the New York State Senate – especially those who consider themselves purists – plan to do to something to Senator Kevin Parker now that he has been convicted of two misdemeanors. Will Senators Schneiderman, Breslin, Savino, Liz Kruger, and others rally for justice twice as loud as they did when Hiram Monserrate was found guilty of one misdemeanor?

Complaint Box


COMPLAINING POL: Gatey, if you care to write an extended diatribe about what you are inferring from a statement that i release, i would recommend giving me a call beforehand.

GATE: When you consult me in advance about what you release to the public, I will gladly return the favor

Why do some pols (Charles Barron–who is not the whiner above– most comes to mind), not understand the simple difference between a reporter and an opinion writer?

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