How Diane Savino Broke My Heart


On Tuesday, I had lunch with a consultant, who I’ll call Wiseman, and yes, he’s actually a composite, but all dialogue is guaranteed verbatim.

Lunch was pretty uneventful til we got to the topic of the State Senate Dems.

WISEMAN: Everyone wanted them to lose, and when I say everyone, I mean every one. Except for the Senate Dems themselves, and even a few of them.

The Other N-Word


"They say it's a government takeover of health care – a big lie, just like Goebbels. You say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, and eventually people believe it. Like blood libel. That's the same kind of thing.

Quid Pro Cuomo? (Revised)


As I think I've already made clear, I've little problem with the spending (more accurately “cutting”) side of the Governor's agenda.

We don't have the money, and last year's elections make clear there is no mandate (and probably the opposite) for any tax increases. Though the economy is a great part of our revenue shortfalls, there are also structural problems with the way our state does its business.

The crisis will be a great opportunity to address a few of them.

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