The Gateway (Re-evaluating Barry, Bloomie & Hank Edition)


On 12/8/10, I wrote: "Sorry, I’m not yet convinced that “The Great Sell-Out” is the route to our salvation (although I might feel differently were I unemployed), but I could possibly swallow it if they add Zadroga, DADT, Dream Act and START"

Well, we got three out of four, and no one sane really believes we would have gotten even one without the sellout (which, I note, Kucinich voted for because his constituents need the unemployment benefits)



The Gateway (Nydia, Oh Nydia, Say Have You Met Nydia Edition)


This article about Nydia Velazquez as savior of the Brooklyn “Reform” movement gets much wrong every which way.

Nydia has been a constant and unremitting Vito Lopez enemy for at least two and a half decades, and in contrast to the article's assertions, has injected herself many times into races in Lopez's turf, sometimes even running her own staff, when most members of Congress would have just concentrated upon their own business. Supporting Lincoln Restler is not an anomaly for her.

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