The Gateway (Amigos in All Languages, Boobernatorial Karaoke and Bad Things Come with Small Packages Edition) [Revised]


Great stuff on City Hall News' new State Senate blog. Although they are sometimes better on the raw facts than on analysis. In this article, we find out Isaac Sasson's challenge to Toby Stavisky is being run by Jay Golub, a Republican activist, which makes sense, since last year Sasson, after losing a Democratic primary for City Council, emerged as a key backer of victorious Republican Peter Koo.

Once again, State Senate Republicans have revived their strategy of running stealth Republicans as Democrats.

How does one say Amigo in Ladino?$1-million-for-stavisky-primary-race.html


The Gateway (Mosque Cow on the Hudson Edition)


Andrea Peyser may not be the Post's most conservative columnist, but she is easily the stupidest, sometimes rising to almost bovinic proportions. Here, she calls for the Islamic Community Center proposed for the Holy Mother Coat Factory in Lower Manhattan to be moved elsewhere. Where, she does not say, but apparently anywhere in the Five Boroughs is too close, for later, on the same page, she hails the quashing of a proposal to build a Mosque on the Hallowed Ground of Staten Island (was it to be called the "Dome of the Rock?”) as "a victory for the right to protest." I agree, but so was the march of the Nazis in Skokie (except the Nazis weren't allowed to achieve their goal). Welcome to Blago-rama –


The Gateway (And He Hasn’t Had a Good Day Since Edition)


AS I WAS SAYING A YEAR AGO ("Best of Gatey" from 9/20/09):

"Charlie Rangel is a great American patriot. He has been heroic in crusading for a fairer tax system and a better health system. He has told unpleasant truths time and again about the impact of fighting wars with a force made up predominately of folks who needs the money and benefits. He’s been indispensable in helping to elect a Democratic majority in Congress.

But, at the very least, Charlie Rangel’s carelessness, if that is indeed what it is, in handling his personal affairs has become a national embarrassment. Perhaps, if he chaired the committee on Foreign Affairs, it would be an embarrassment we could endure. But, at a time when Democrats hope to greatly expand the services provided through our public sector, to have a Chair of the tax-writing committee who has a casual attitude about his own taxes is highly and dangerously problematic and a serious impediment to the enactment of the programs to which Mr. Rangel has dedicated his career.

It is an embarrassment which makes everything Rangel touches look dubious.

Every Chair of the House Committee on Ways and Means raises shameful amounts of money in a shameful manner to pass onto his party’s candidates. The shamefulness of the protection/access game which attracts this money is so bi-partisan and time-honored that the press largely ignores the very legal scandal which it is.

But there is nothing in Charlie Rangel’s manner of raising such money which should attract any special attention. In fact, by and large, Rangel’s contributors get far less for their money than they did when they gave it to his Republican predecessor.

But now such money attracts special and unwelcome attention to those Democrats to whom Rangel forwards it to, because it came though Rangel. And this is even though the “scandal” which has attached to Rangel has virtually zero to do with the real scandal attached to such money.

There is no doubt in my mind that the public exposure of Rangel’s personal problems probably derives almost entirely from the vast right-wing conspiracy, but that does not make those problems any less real.

Since holding his House seat is a right conveyed to him by the voters, calls for Rangel’s resignation from Congress are premature until voters, or a Judge and Jury, decide otherwise.

However, Congressional Committee Chairmanships are not a right, but a privilege conveyed by a party conference entitled to consider questions of political expediency. Rangel should do his Party and his President a favor and step aside as Chair until his issues are resolved." Validating Right-Wing Frames? | Room Eight


La Condanna Dona Dona


This week has brought several expressions of outrage over Israel convicting an Arab citizen of “rape by deception” for lying about his religion in order to bag a Jewish girl.

Did he also promised not to come in her mouth?

He did promise her a “serious relationship, ” though, given his 18 month sentence, it appears that he was the one who had that promise visited upon him.  This has to be a terrible disappointment to his wife and two children.

Dog Bites Man: State Senate Dems Waste Money; Man Bites Dog: It’s Their Own (The Gateway) [UPDATED]


It is almost as if the State Senate Dems are so sure they are losing the majority that they decided to have a fire sale; better someone should get fired. Largely Unknown DSCC Consultant Cleared $300k In Last Year


Like Rose or not, when control of the Senate is so tenuous, there is no possible justification for spending this money on a City Council race in an area with zero impact upon any marginal Senate seats. Senate Democrats Send Cash To Debi Rose, Councilmember In DFS Lawsuit


Gateway Extra: The Huntley-Stinkley Report


State Senator Shirley Huntley: “They know that I don’t go out and raise a lot of money. I don’t try to take money from people who can’t afford to be giving it out…I take donations from my colleagues, of course. It's not unheard of. If you look at other people’s filings, they all do too. There is nothing unusual about me receiving money from a colleague like John Sampson.”

Taking money from colleagues as indivduals is one thing–taking money from the Party conference's campaign committee for an intra-party primary in a safe seat is quite another; especially when they hold the Majority by a single seat.

Is Huntley dumb enough not to know the difference?

Clearly John Sampson sees Huntley's and Bill Perkins' survival as crucial to keeping his leadership, and clearly sees his staying as leader as more importan tthan the question of whether he leads the Majority or Minority.

And Democratic donors (especially those interested in same-sex marriage) should be on notice–better you should give to indivdual candidates or the the New Roosevelt Initiative than the DSCC. DSCC Kicks In For Shirley Huntley And Bill Perkins, Spending Money In Safe Districts

The Gateway (Marty Golden: All Foreskin, No Schvantz Edition) [UPDATED—NEWSFLASH Gate Criticizes Obama]


GOLDEN SHOWER; NO PLUMBING (AKA MARTY GOLDEN'S MISSING EQUIPTMENT): Cross-Party Petition challenges aren't quite as a rare as the dodo, but nonetheless deserve distinction. Voters deserve choices in every general election.  

State Senate candidate Mike DiSanto is sincere and hardworking, but if one had to profile his suitability for this district, you couldn't find much more going for him than the vowel at the end of his name, and that attribute didn't help Obama much here.

The incumbent, Marty Golden, has not faced a general election since 2002; one might think that, in a year when Republicans might actually do well, he'd welcome an opportunity to actually show his strength, which is probably considerable.

Instead, Golden proves himself a political castrato, as spineless as a pea-nutless butter and jellyfish sandwich, afraid to let the public have an actual choice in a November election.

Years ago, as a cop, Golden once got in trouble for losing his gun, which was never recovered; but I know where it is.

Next to his balls.

And they both shoot blanks. the albany project:: Senator Martin Golden Attempts to Knock Mike DiSanto off Ballot  

The Gateway (Introducing “The Best of Gatey” Edition)


Today my regular “Gateway” column will start implementing a new feature already present on Gate‘s Facebook Page, a regular repost from my “Best of Gate” archives. Sometimes,. As it does today, this feature will eschew high quality in favor of pertinence.

Last night, was the NYS deadline for filing nominating petitions for candidates running in primaries of ballot status parties; in honor of what was once a major nite of fun for me (I was the guy passing out the cigars at the Board of Elections after-party), today's "Best of Gate" is a long, mediocre and partially plagiarized O. Henry story about ballot access. Candidate B | Room Eight


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