The Gateway (Amigos in All Languages, Boobernatorial Karaoke and Bad Things Come with Small Packages Edition) [Revised]

Great stuff on City Hall News' new State Senate blog. Although they are sometimes better on the raw facts than on analysis. In this article, we find out Isaac Sasson's challenge to Toby Stavisky is being run by Jay Golub, a Republican activist, which makes sense, since last year Sasson, after losing a Democratic primary for City Council, emerged as a key backer of victorious Republican Peter Koo.

Once again, State Senate Republicans have revived their strategy of running stealth Republicans as Democrats.

How does one say Amigo in Ladino?$1-million-for-stavisky-primary-race.html


Victory often requires compromise, and same-sex marriage is no exception. That's why I urge liberal to support Lyn pro-charter school Lynn Nunes against incumbent Shirley Huntley. But the Tim Kennedy–Bill Stachowski primary might be asking supporters of marital equality to travel a bridge too far.

As I previously reported, Kennedy is a protégé of Pedro Espada's counsel Steve Pigeon, and recently provided his vote to help the Republicans take control of the Erie county legislature.

How does one say Amigo in Gaelic?

In this article, we learn that Tim's also told the Conservative Party he will fight against Medicaid abortions. And the local Conservative Leader seems awful smug that Tim will listen to "reason" and ultimately go their way on marriage as well.

Is Tim Kennedy worth the gamble? Kennedy To Get A Talking To On Gay Marriage



It seems to me that when you hold a chairmanship courtesy of your party's one seat majority, and you then endorse a Republican in your party's best pick-up prospect, you have bitten the hand that feeds you.

DISENROLL DIAZ!!! Diaz Asks for Prayers, Votes (Updated)


Given that both her opponents are also for same sex marriage, one has to ask how a vote for Anna Lewis, as opposed to the others, will advance its passage. Because she could better persuade opponents to change their votes????

If Anna Lewis could persuade people to change their votes, she'd hold office already. Anna Lewis Makes Gay Marriage Push in Wash Heights State Sen. Race | The New York Observer



The Maltese Vulture: the stuff that schemes are made of (or Serf Wants Turf). Former State Sen. Serf Maltese Launches Bid To Be New Board of Elections Executive Director


A NOTE FROM THE ELECTRONIC MAILBAG (From Dan Squadron’s Republican Opponent):

While you're not [Dowd’s] greatest fan, Gate is anyone else attempting to analyze, criticize 'what we're doing' in Afghanistan (despite the escalation, another $500 million handout, musical Generals, Wikileaks, billions per month, July's outrageous level of troops lost)? — I DO hope the ladies bring this up on "The View"…Op-Ed Columnist – Lost in a Maze –


ANOTHER ACTUAL NOTE IN TODAY’S MAIL (JUDGE, IT WAS RAPE BY DECEPTION; HE TOLD ME HE WAS A MAN –Case dismissed for insufficient evidence and sent to Small Claims Court):

Dear Gatemouth: "I can’t tell you how much I've enjoyed your pieces on ***. I'm convinced that all of his personality defects are the result of deep-seated feelings of inadequacy over his …penis. Don't ask me how I know."



Ooh my little pretty one, pretty one.
When you gonna give me some time, Sherr-una?

Ooh you make my motor run, my motor run.
Gun it comin' off the line, DJ…

Come a little closer huh, ah will ya huh.
Close enough to look in my eyes, Sherr-una…
When you gonna give it to me, give it to me.
It is just a matter of time Sherr-una
Is it just destiny, destiny?
Or is it just a game in my mind, Sherr-una?
Never gonna stop, give it up.
Such a dirty mind. Always get it up for the touch
of the younger kind. My my my i yi woo. M M M My Sheer-una

With all the fawning press coverage he's gotten lately, we should thank the person who reminded us why the Governor needed to be dumped.

Thank you, Governor Paterson:

“Sherri, this is David. You should see the way they wrote this story. They’re trying to make it look like I pressured you into dropping this court case. Please help me. Your lawyer – his statement makes it sound the same way.” “Um, I mean – I was trying to find out about the rumors involving myself. You placed the call to me around ten minutes to four on Sunday, February the 7th – it was the day of the Superbowl. And, um, in the conversation, we just talked about the things that – that – you didn’t say anything about me, and I didn’t say about you.”“Then we went on to talk about other stuff, but – I hope, uh – you remember that I was not trying to make you do anything, and – I hope your lawyer will do something to help me here, because this, uh, doesn’t look good for me, and I wasn’t in this. And this is exactly what they’re after. And I – I was just not in this and didn’t – um, you know – want to play a role in it.” “And, to be honest with you, I believe you. So – um, anyway, uh – if you can help to clear this up, because it – that portrayal, that conversation – we didn’t talk for one minute, we talked for ten or fifteen minutes. And, um –I did tell you that I was there for you, and you could call me.”“But I wasn’t doing it to try to trade it for you dropping the ca- I didn’t even know the court date was Monday, to be honest with you. I’ll talk to you later.” ‘This Doesn’t Look Good For Me’

But, as I always remind my readers, I’ve said all this before; 70's karaoke is one of the few things the Governor does really well; todays‘s “Best of Gatey":


Proof that stopping the enforcement of Don't Ask Don't Tell is a no-brainer O'Reilly to Obama: Stop Enforcing DADT | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper


Imbecile of the Day:

Massachusetts Senate Republican Leader Richard R. Tisei for saying that Direct Presidential Elections would force candidates to focus on cities, where they can get the most votes. “They’re going to spend all their time in New York City and Los Angeles,” Mr. Tisei said, “and to hell with the rest of the country.”

No, schmuck; it would force them to campaign in more than a handful of states, meaning that for the first time since 1984, someone would find it worthwhile to spend money and maybe even time in Massachusetts–and maybe even try to pull out some Republican votes there. Massachusetts Nears a Change to Electoral Votes –


I'm all for intelligence gathering; but let's gather it intelligently. The Washington Post’s “Top Secret America” : The New Yorker


Call the Police! The John McCain I knew has been shot, and the imposter holding his seat seems to be the guilty party. Mavericky: GOP Thwarts Disclosure Bill | The New Republic


Cadell (a man who can't even keep his entire beard the same color) and Schoen (who couldn't outpoll professional loser Al Lemishow in a Queens race for Congress) accuse the President of racial demagoguery.

In the aftermath of Sherrod, they might as well be accuse him of being fat. Replicating The Dick Morris Business Model | The New Republic


Given the fact that his primary opponent comes from a "Family" that runs a fuel oil company on the Gowanus Canal, I thought Grimm might be the lesser of the right wing evils in his primary, but now I think Allegretti might be an offer I can't refuse. State Dems Knock Grimm For Knocking McMahon | The New York Observer


Have not read this yet, but anyone who says marriage is easy to understand has surely never been married. They Should Just Give You Rings. Marriage is Easy to Understand | The Bilerico Project


Could this be true? One can only hope. More Early Evidence of Sanctions’ Success | NJDC Blog


But but but, I thought conservatism was a pro-Israel ideology. ADL Surprised By David Cameron's One-Sided Comments On Israel And Gaza


Wonderful–the path to electoral success is to deny the role of free trade in the Clinton economic boom and instead adopt the discredited philosophy of Smoot-Hawley advocated by imbeciles like Naomi Klein Dems Could Win Tea Party Voters Over With America-First Trade Message


Father Foxman grants Ollie absolution; did he have to do five Hail Miriams? Oliver Stone: Apology #2 to ADL


I was going to let this go, but even after giving them the opportunity to run a correction, City Hall News has demurred and left the story unchanged.

It would be nice if City Hall News could distinguish between a State Committee member–a significant party official whose turf runs the entirety of an Assembly District, and a County Committee member, a very minor position which covers one Election District (e.g., usually one voting machine).

If Barbara Clark circulated a petition with dead State Committee candidates, it would be a devastating indictment of her being out of touch.

County Committee is more likely some club president not doing their homework. Who cares? Assembly Member Barbara Clark Petitions With The Dead In Southeast Queens