The Gateway Weekend Wrap (Don’t Have a Kaus Edition)


Given that I, as of late, have taken to imitating his format (now widespread, but he pretty much invented it), and I have a similar tendency to dwell upon the flaws of liberalism from within, I would like to be more sympathetic to Kaus' pathetic cry for attention. However, it seems to me that Kaus long ago lost his way, to the point where's he's more neo-con than neo-lib. His obsessive focus on illegal immigrants is virtually a textbook betrayal of the neo-liberal idea. Query: how does someone with no followers end up on the first page of the STYLE section? Mickey Kaus Seeks to Correct the Flaws of Liberalism –

Apologies Are In Order (You Betcha!)


From: Ben Smith (


CC: Rock Hackshaw (

Hi guys,

We checked the IP addresses from which Gatemouth and JP post, and they are in fact different. JP's is actually in another state.


Ben Smith

—–Original Message—–
Sent: Thu 6/3/2010 6:05 PM

The Gateway: Gotta Fix the Screen So the Mosquitos Don’t Keep Waking Me Up Edition


I've said it before; instead of changing parties to run, Levy should have changed states; he has a great future in Arizona.

Dershowitz professes to be a liberal Zionist, saying he opposes expansion of settlements, but in the clutch, he always opposes ever actually doing anything about it. However, I think he has a point here. Still, the question remains: even if it was legal, was it advisable? Israel obeyed international law: Legally, the Gaza flotilla conflict is an open-and-shut case  

The Gateway: June is Bursting Out All Over Edition


The jury is still out on this horrible incident, but can we at least rule out that it involved "passive resistance"?Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers

Got a good price on a lot of Gulf Shrimp–gonna market them under the name "Bubba Gunk"


I’m betting he ends up living happily ever after with Elizabeth Edwards, while Tipper takes up with Dee Snider (how soon we forget)

Genug is genug already!


ROCK HACKSHAW: I have had many a fight with Gatey, and I will be dissappointed if we didn't have many more over the coming years. Gatemouth is unique, and he is also provocative, but all in all to me, his writings, insights, commentary and historical knowledge of New York's politics is worth the ocassional ideosyncratic outburst from him. So he pulls his lil temper tantrums sometimes: don't we all do/lol? I almost stopped contributing once or twice/lol. Remember?

Wearing Disguises


THE WHO: I used to know everything about you
But today when I tried to point you out to one of my friends
I picked the wrong girl again
Don't see you in the crowd anymore
I think it's you but I can't be sure
You're wearing disguises
Occasionally a girl surprises me
When she turns out to be you
Wearing disguises

I don't think you want me to see you ever again
And today I saw you dressed as a flower bed
Last week you had a wig on your head
Directing traffic in the street
And your shoes were too big for your feet
You were wearing disguises