The Internet In The 2008 Campaign



NY Minor Parties in 2008


At the start of every election season in New York, there is much talk among pols and the press about which major Party candidates the minor Parties (Independence, Conservative, Working Families) will cross-endorse in the few tightly contested races for Congress and State Legislature.

Joe Gentili Memorial


There will be a Memorial Service for Joe Gentili on Wednesday evening, December 3rd from 6 to 8 PM.

Joe was a one of the most active and effective leaders of the Brooklyn Republican Party for many years and was a top official of the Board of Elections. Joe was gruff at times but underneath was a real good guy and will be missed.

The service will be held in the Seminar Room of Trinity Church, 74 Trinity Place, 2nd floor, just north of Rector Street, in lower Manhattan. This location is near all major transit lines, and the R train at Rector Street is closest.

Anyone who knew Joe is invited to share your favorite Joe Gentili stories. Colorful language is encouraged and expected, as Joe would have insisted.

History Lessons


The possible appointment of Senator Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State has spurred speculation about whom Governor Paterson might appoint to replace her.

Some have suggested Paterson appoint himself to the post.

If Clinton does leave the Senate, I hope Governor Paterson and his advisers review what happened to governors in other states when they did that. It’s not a pretty picture.

The following was compiled by Ken Rudin of NPR when he was at the Washington Post;

Montana, 1933 – Sen. Thomas Walsh (D) died. Gov. John Erickson (D) appointed self, lost 1934 primary.
Kentucky, 1939 – Sen. Marvel Logan (D) died. Gov. Happy Chandler (D) appointed self, won elections in 1940 and 1942.
Nevada, 1945 – Sen. James Scrugham (D) died. Gov. Edward Carville (D) appointed self, lost 1946 primary.
Idaho, 1945 – Sen. John Thomas (R) died. Gov. Charles Gossett (D) appointed self, lost 1946 primary.
Wyoming, 1960 – Sen.-elect Keith Thomson (R) died. Gov. John J. Hickey (D) appointed self, lost 1962 election.
New Mexico, 1962 – Sen. Dennis Chavez (D) died. Gov. Edwin Mechem (R) appointed self, lost 1964 election.
Oklahoma, 1963 – Sen. Robert Kerr (D) died. Gov. J. Howard Edmondson (D) appointed self, lost 1964 primary.
South Carolina, 1965 – Sen. Olin Johnston (D) died. Gov. Donald Russell (D) appointed self, lost 1966 primary.
Minnesota, 1977 – Sen. Walter Mondale (D) elected vice president. Gov. Wendell Anderson (D) appointed self, lost 1978 election.

Exit Poll Tidbits


While most people who examine exit polls focus on what percentage of each group votes for which candidate, I’m more interested in what the polls tell us who voted not who they voted for.

Here’s some of what can be gleamed from this year’s exit poll in New York State.

54% of the voters were women.

71% were White, 17% Black, 6% Hispanic, 3% Asian.

Broken down by age, under 25 = 12%, 25-29 = 10%, 30-39 = 17%, 40-49 = 22%, 50-64 = 27% and 65+ = 11%.

Annual income breaks this way – under $15,000 = 6%, $15-$30,000 = 10%, $30-$50,000 = 16%, $50-$75,000 = 22%, $75-$100,000 = 13%, $100-$150,000 = 17%, $150-$200,000 = 8% and $200,000 or more = 9%.

Not So Important, After All


Now that the Presidential Election is over, I thought it would be a good idea to recall some things that will soon vanish in the media memory hole.

In no particular order, here are some stories that the pundits and pols thought were really, really important at some time in the last two years. I doubt even Chris Mathews would now claim that these affected many voters at all.’s ad about General Betrayus

Hispanics refusal to vote for a Black candidate

The growing number of independent voters who want to vote for a Third Party candidate

Barack Obama’s bowling score

Guest Columnist On Real Voter Fraud


An old friend of mine, journalist Jim Sleeper, read the recent stories in the NY papers about the Mayor & Board of Elections officials arguing about how ready we are for Election Day.

As a result, Jim posted a remembrance of an unbelievable but true scandal at the BOE in 1982 that Jim was instrumental in exposing.

He and I both think Room 8 readers will appreciate reading about it, so with his permission, I’m posting it here –

Talking Points Memo Café

October 31, 2008

Pulitzer Prize Winner Needs A Fact Checker


Charles Krauthammer, the Pulitzer Prize winning columnist apparently uses the same incompetent researchers as William Kristol.

In his Halloween column, Krauthammer tries to scare voters about Barack Obama.

Among the scary things that Krauthammer says Obama will impose on the country of dupes who won’t vote the way Krauthammer wants –

"The so-called Fairness Doctrine – a project of Nancy Pelosi and leading Democratic senators – a Hugo Chavez-style travesty designed to abolish conservative talk radio."