California Judges


The following appeared in Wednesday’s, concerning the start of Gay marriage in California:


***LEADING REPUBLICANS THINK THIS HELPS McCAIN BY GIVING CONSERVATIVES SOMETHING TO MOTIVATE THEM. A smart Republican: “It always helps to remind voters that regardless of their feelings for President Bush, the last eight years have seen the judicial benches filled with conservatives and this type of behavior is directly linked to activist judges and Democrats.


At Least, They Spelled Silver Correctly


From Tuesday’s New York Sun –


But clearly, Mr. Silver is taking this race seriously. He's marshalling the resources of the Working Families Party and, according to a source, has hired a legislative aide to conduct opposition research on Mr. Newell, but not on Mr. Henry. On Friday, his campaign blanketed the East Village with fliers announcing in three languages (English, Spanish, and Chinese) that Mr. Silver was setting up a mobile district office to hear constituent complaints.


Educating William Kristol


In today’s NY Times (Monday, May 19), the Republican flack, who the Times claims is a conservative commentator William Kristol wrote the following

On Tuesday night, while the G.O.P. Congressional candidate was losing in a Mississippi district George Bush carried in 2004 by 25 points, Barack Obama was being trounced in the West Virginia Democratic primary — by 41 points. I can’t find a single recent instance of a candidate who ultimately became his party’s nominee losing a primary by this kind of margin


The “Independent” State Investigation Commission


During the past year of reporting and commentary on “Troopergate”, many have criticized the various government agencies involved in investigating the matter.


Fred Dicker of the Post, Michael Godwin of the News and the Post Editorial Board say the Albany County District Attorney was said to be too partisan because he was a Democrat.



Will Democrats Desert The Party In November?


Most Democrats that I’ve spoken to are freaked out with fears that the long Presidential Primary campaign will split the Party and elect John McCain in November.


A report by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press is an example of why Democrats are worried.


Here are some highlights –
