Waving In The Wind


President Obama is waving in the wind like an old torn flag one minute slapping down Standard and Poor’s for its bogus downgrading and in another saying let’s all work together as tea bag fringe lunatics like Michele Bachmann who created the debt ceiling crisis blame him for the downgrade without worry of any push back from the White House.

The Edict of Main Street


Dear Mr President,  We the people of the United States of America beseech you not to seek reelection; that though you may be a good man we need a leader in these difficult times that will defend the average person and protect the disadvantaged against the ravages of political extremists; that will defend America from its enemies at home and abroad; that will not bow to crank economics no matter how convincing its proponents may be; that will set a standard of inspiration and ma

Maureen’s Monster Ball


In today’s New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd compares the tea party debt crisis situation to one big monster party with President Obama playing the captain in Jaws and saying he is going to need a bigger boat.  What she doesn’t understand is that Captain Obama has been eaten by the shark as was the case in Jaws or even in Alien where the space ship captain is dispatched early on.

America Closes Her Heart


There is a scene in the Ron Howard film Backdraft where one fireman grips the hand of another who is about to fall into the flames below and says, “You go we go.”  This is the America we used to know before the rise of the tea party and the election of a president who is fearful or unable to stand his ground against extremists.

Hillary 2012 Revisited


Because of the volume of direct emails I received in response to my Hillary 2012 blog I feel compelled to revisit the issue in a little more details.  I should immediately point out that it was a good idea posting such a blog calling for Hillary Clinton to run against President Obama because it was sort of like lancing the boil or getting out everything in the light of day or just getting a dialogue going on what is going on with the Obama Administration.

Hillary 2012


The free fall of the extremist driven debt ceiling crisis and the resulting egregious agreement that followed it has after three years of weak leadership left President Obama severely wounded with doubts rising as to his ability to now win the 2012 presidential election.

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