Cuomo keeps coming up Roses


Is Obama in trouble


The good news for President Obama, or any sitting president, the power of incumbency is very tough to win against, and Republicans are having a tough time with their field of candidates.

However the bad news: the worst kept secret is Obama’s base is not energized (he will need each and every single vote) and consider the horrible jobs report Friday which shows history is not on Mr. Obama’s side.


You have to give Cuomo credit on the budget. To critics, where would you cut.


Yes it’s a budget that would cut year to year spending for the first time in a long time.

Yes it’s a budget that would cut projected spending on major issues like education and health care.

But isn’t it a bit refreshing to have a governor that is at least trying to finally tackle the problem rather than simply punt it to the future with lip service, or turn to the tax and spend policies of the past.


NY Voters: Good Riddance Mr. Paladino!

The fat lady had stopped singing. Now she was screaming, and up until the very last minute election night Carl Paladino continued his nasty, unorthodox campaign.

Tradition calls for the losing candidate to concede, speak first and then get the hell out of the way for the winner.


Weekend of Attack Ads; Newspapers go with Cuomo


This weekend the two leading candidates in the race for Governor are trading attack ads.

Paladino went first with his “usual suspects” ad claiming Democrat Andrew Cuomo, the current attorney general, hasn’t put corrupt politicians in jail, and has given a pass to people in his own party.

Cuomo Sunday, released two versions of an ad, one ends with "You can't clean up Albany with dirty hands."

The Cuomo ad also features Republican State Chairman Ed Cox, who is “Richard Nixon’s son-in-law.”

The ads can be seen at my website:


You can put a fork in Paladino, AG race tight

The latest survey shows you can put a folk in Carl Paladino. The only questions is can Paladino gracefully make it to the finish line.

Things are going so bad for Paladino, one has to wonder if he's calming down to do damage control for his lucrative buffalo development business.

Not only does the latest poll from the Siena Research Institute show Paladino trailing Andrew Cuomo by 37 points, (63-26 percent, among likely voters) but Two-thirds of voters now have an unfavorable impression of the Republican gubernatorial candidate.


Cuomo has to be ecstatic with the debate

Going into the debate Andrew Cuomo had the most to lose, and yet when the hour and a half session was over–he appeared even stronger as the clear front runner in the race.

Cuomo avoided any gaffe and appeared gubernatorial.

It was Cuomo’s nemesis Carl Paladino who seemed like he was completely out of place. Paladino didn’t challenge or attack Cuomo once. Paladino appeared nervous a good deal of the time. Perhaps he was trying to show a softer side to appeal to voters, or perhaps Paladino was just completely out of his element and not ready for prime-time.


Tonight’s Debate in the race for Governor


8:15 p.m

An hour into the debate, and the Cuomo folks have to be ecstatic! No one has laid a glove on Cuomo.

In fact it seems Cuomo’s lead nemesis, Carl Paladino has run the other way, not criticizing Cuomo at all.

Perhaps Paladino is trying to look gubernatorial by appearing substantive, but the problem with that is for the first 30 minutes Paladino looked, and came off as very nervous. He hasn’t said anything outrageous.

The Moderators are tackling a number of topics: The budget, taxes, MTA.

Cuomo has not lost his cool. He has come off the way he had too – as the one who will lead Albany out of chaos.
