Looks like a Civil War might be on the horizon for Democrats in the Race for Mayor


Over enabling Term number Three for Mayor Michael Bloomberg, back in late April Anthony Weiner declared war on City Council Speaker Christine Quinn saying term limits was the deal breaker, he can't support Quinn in any capacity, even as the Democratic Nominee in the Race for Mayor.  So much for party unity!  Well Quinn is shooting back.  Just the other day, here was herresponse to Weiner:

Weiner is on life support. Pelosi says it’s time to go. He enters rehab

Congressman Anthony Weiner may, emphasized may, have bought himself some more time as he entered rehab, amid calls from major democrats that it’s time to go, like Nancy Pelosi and DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Pelosi and Wasserman Schultz said Saturday Weiner should resign, calling his sending explicit photos and raunchy emails to women all over the country "indefensible" and a distraction.