Tag: District Attorney
Now, Grand Jury expected soon in GARNER/NYPD Case
|Cutting Services Coast to Coast: How Far Is Too Far?
|The argument about fiscal austerity has been drilled into all of us. The U.S Marines couldn't have done a better job.
It's our new way of life.
If you are a Republican elected official, there's a second part to the "cutting back" rule of thumb these days: Don't dare believe in compromise. Don't dare reach across the aisle. Do so at your own peril.
Attempts at bipartisanship are the new blood sport.
Breathalyzers at the Prom?
|Should there by Breathalyzers at the Prom?
Would it lead to kids (our children, sons & daughters) being arrested on one of their biggest nights and possibly facing conviction?
Would Police make such high profile arrest? What would a District Attorney do? Would the kids be disgraced for years to come. What would be the impact on the family.
What we know so far is that ultimately the young people could end up missing their graduation.