Yes or No in Debates.


It's my contention that "Yes or No" questions can be quite effective in debates.  

It proved to be a tough night a few years ago for Gifford Miller when he stalled on a question of whether he would send his kids to public school.  Another Weiner showed he could hit such questions out the ballpark. 

Then there was a few years ago when such questions showed Bloomberg's personality. 

Coming from a pediatrician near you—A Prescription in advance for the Morning After Pill.


The Morning After Pill….in advance without parents ever knowing.

I'm just not sure if it's the right thing to do, but the argument can seen from both ways, and I said so on RNN-TV just Tuesday night.

On Monday, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) called on  pediatricians throughout the country to counsel all of their adolescent patients about emergency contraception and make **advance** prescriptions for it available to girls under 17, without parential knowledge. 

I think we should all hug a Social Worker


Social Workers are the fabric of our Society.

Just this week, I got the opportunity and the honor to observe just what Americans bring to the table. We should all see it everyday, but then again we take certain thing for granted.

I admit I have a bias when it comes to Social Workers. I know what they do each and every day. They save lives!!!! As a child, Social Workers saved my life as a kid that went through Child Abuse.