6,100 Teachers. Looks like Bloomberg wasn’t bluffing, but will the Council stand up to him?


Historically, layoffs are often threatened as a budgetary bargaining chip.

In other words, the mayor basically yells what amounts to “fire” in a crowded theater, and more often than not, the money surfaces from the State or Washington, and the bad news is avoided. (layoffs in this case)

However this time, Mayor Michael Bloomberg is not bluffing, and for the first time since the 1970’s, public school teachers are looking at pick slips. A loss of 6,166 teachers, including an anticipated 4,100 layoffs.

Rev. Sharpton, President Obama & the Black vote. Has obama delivered?


If you don’t believe Al Sharpton is emerging as “the president” of black America, just look at who’s speaking Wednesday at his annual National Action Network conference: President Barack Obama.

Timing is important. The nation’s first black president has largely finessed the topic of race. But Obama is now facing growing criticism from some African-American leaders that he lacks a “black agenda.”

How could this happen? 17 year old makes the wrong choice in a boyfriend, and ends up in Rikers

Unfortunately Afrika Owes has learned all that glitters is not gold.

Afrika Owes is a 17 year old young lady that should be preparing for college, and not just any college, but based on her intelligence, getting ready for one of the best institutions of higher learning in the country. Perhaps an Ivy league school like Columbia, or maybe even Harvard or Yale.

You have to give Cuomo credit on the budget. To critics, where would you cut.


Yes it’s a budget that would cut year to year spending for the first time in a long time.

Yes it’s a budget that would cut projected spending on major issues like education and health care.

But isn’t it a bit refreshing to have a governor that is at least trying to finally tackle the problem rather than simply punt it to the future with lip service, or turn to the tax and spend policies of the past.

Doomsday or is it Real. Cutting 21,000 Teachers


Formats for political debates must change.

The state has a 10 billion dollar budget gap, and as a result, Mayor Bloomberg just on Friday laid out a doomsday scenario where he says the city may be forced to slash 21,000 teaching positions.

It needs to be repeated, 21,000 teaching positions. We are talking about people that educate our children. People that are the only role models for many kids.

What did we get from that one general election debate, answers on how to deal with this fiscal mess. No, comic relief of “the rent is too damn high.”