The Real Reasons Why Barack Hussein Obama Should Run For The US Presidency (Part two of three)

After writing the first part of this story, I got a little bit of flack from a few of my USA-born black friends who thought that I was being hard on them. I am not in any mood for apologies; as I said before, I write it as I see it, then I duck. If you haven’t read the first part of this column, then I suggest you do so before going forward; that way you won’t have to look like inane in the comment section, like some folks did in my last column yesterday. Thank God for the “anonymous” label; really.

After part one was put up on my blog, Senator Joe Biden (a rather intelligent individual, I must say) went to “stupid place”, and in so doing destroyed his miniscule presidential possibilities/aspirations, by trying in a roundabout way to hit out at Barrack Hussein Obama’s exciting presidential candidacy. Claiming to be complimentary, Biden said that Obama was “clean and articulate” for a black man, and demonstrated why I have said for so long on these blogs, that white boys are in heavy and serious denial about their racist predisposition towards blacks; especially toward black males. It’s not just the insensitivity of his statement that jumps up and bites you, but it’s also the mode of unconsciousness in which he operated.

The most articulate black who ever ran for the presidency isn’t even Barack Obama, it was the man whose ass Obama whipped to get into the US Senate: Allan Keyes. And not only was he the most articulate black to ever run for that office, but he was comparably articulate to any white attempting the same feat. Please note that I only said “articulate”, I am in no way expressing my opinion on the rigid positions of Mr. Keyes (to which he is entitled); that’s another issue.

Let’s take this further; weren’t Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton(gue), Carol Moseley- Braun, Governor Wilder, Shirley Chisholm (Bajan accent and all), Ron Daniels and Angela Davis (ran for vice-president), all very articulate comparatively speaking- on a racial plain of course? And don’t forget that icon named Frederick Douglas, who was the first black ever nominated for the US presidency, at a Republican convention way back in the day. In fact, Douglas was the first black to ever receive at least one delegate at a nominating convention, as far as my research shows. Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X are arguably the most articulate blacks from this country; and don’t forget such folks as Colin Powell, Stokely Carmichael, Martin Luther King jnr., Eric Dyson, Cornell West and many many others- if you catch my drift here. The absurdities of Biden’s remarks are really disheartening, especially coming from the person it did. So now you see why some folks stress that “Black-studies” should be taught in the high school curriculum; too many white folks just don’t get it relative to this “race thing”; and there is an unconscious aspect to their perpetual denials. Why do you think Senator Biden is still bewildered by all the hoopla? Biden needs to cash in his chips now; Lady Luck has flown by.

So back to part one and my central thesis that Obama is neither black nor white; he is “mixed’. His father was black (African-born) and his mother was white (USA-born). Those are the plain and glaring facts; so why is it so fucking hard for most people to acknowledge them? That’s the plain truth that near all of America seems not to want to accept; all because of the imprisoning chains of “race”; all because most people refuse to face facts and truth, whenever facing such becomes painful. My darling mother always told me to tell the truth because it’s the only story you have to remember. The truth isn’t complicated; it’s the repercussions from telling the truth that is. So there it is: the birth of the “lie”. Today, the lie that Tiger Woods first tried to point out many years ago, is alive and well and kicking ass. History (including the history of the African slave trade) has shaped the many shades of Negroid, because many humans mixed sexual partners throughout the years. Dark skin is quite appealing and very enticing; dark skin is exceptionally sensual and tempting.

In the New York Daily News newspaper, a writer-who they tell me has won a Pulitzer Prize at some point or the other- has the audacious stupidity to question Obama’s “blackness”. This guy named Stanley Crouch, should have known better, since he epitomizes some of the humiliating, degrading, repressive, oppressive and dehumanizing stereotypes about black people, that many whites have used/ and some still use: very dark skin and thick lips. You will suspect that he should know better; but with Bidenesque unconsciousness and insensitivity, Crouch couldn’t even begin to understand where he went with his writings on Obama. To Crouch and his ilk, once you didn’t experience the civil-rights struggles of the sixties here in the United States of Amnesia (thank you Mr. Dyson), then you are less black, than say a brother or sister who struggled against racism, oppression, colonialism and the like, in Africa, or in any other part of the world. And by proxy, you are unable to represent the interests of blacks in the USA, whether you are elected to the white house or the out-house.; how absurd. But then it is obvious that Crouch is fighting his own racial demons; and yet, maybe we are all subsumed in a similar fight.

I will repeat from my first part: USA-born blacks have no lock on the term “black”. They don’t own it; never did. It’s just their slave-master’s arrogance rubbing off on them, that’s all: this claim that “black” is uniquely American, and wrapped in a “civil-rights” coat. It’s the overall superciliousness of “Americana” and “American dreams” (sometimes nightmares for others). Blacks who were born here (and even a few who were foreign-born) have been seduced by all this lore, glitter and glamour. Some feel that the USA is the only country God loves (more on this in my next article on this topic); and they act accordingly. That’s why so many people from so many different countries, don’t necessarily like Americans too tough. They rush here for economic reasons mainly; not because of their love for our foreign policy. From an international perspective Americans need to show more gratitude and humility; they are lucky in so many ways; they are so well endowed when compared to most other countries. But in general, there is a tendency to act like they are better than the rest of the world.

Have you ever looked at the television coverage of the New York and/or Boston marathons? Often you will see a focus on the American runners, even when they aren’t doing well; even at the expense of ignoring the foreign runners in real contention. The same thing happens when the networks cover the Olympics. Do you really think foreigners are not aware of this?

Barack Obama (if elected) will be the first president (as far as I know) of this country to have spent a considerable amount of time living outside the mainland; this is so positive it aint funny. Barack has an international perspective that is worth millions in academia; he experienced different peoples first hand. He has experienced different cultures, different religions and different customs and rituals; all this will serve him well in his deliberations on international issues. Plus he has experienced what “blackness” USA -style is somewhat about, by his peregrinations through Chicago’s urban warfronts and by experiencing other black ground-zeroes.

Look, black is not only a color, black is also an experience. Black is truly also an expression; an expression of billions of humans struggling internationally against some of their fellow-humans, whose superiority complex leads them down inhumane avenues at times. Sometimes they struggle against the inhumanity of people similarly colored, bar a few shades. Often enough, being black can be very painful; in general being black is probably more painful than being anything else. That’s a reality that most blacks will admit to. Okay, so it’s their perception; fine. Perception spawns reality. There are countries in this world where blacks there would gladly trade places with blacks here, in a heartbeat, in a flash, in a nano-second; the reason being that their life experiences (being black) is so much more painful, so much more oppressive there than here. Was apartheid in South Africa less dehumanizing than say “Jim-Crow” laws in South Carolina?

Remember what I said in my last column about “skin bleach”, I was really referring to the worst kept secret in the black diaspora; and that is the self hate that many blacks suffer from. As I said before, this is fed by white/light-skinned media images that dominate the worldwide communication systems, and imposes supposed standards of beauty on all of us. This is so pervasive that eventually many blacks develop a propensity for trying to get to being as close to “white” as possible, in order to counteract their feelings of inferiority. They attempt to do this in physical, social and psychological ways. Why do you think that there are so many blacks who date exclusively outside their race? As I always say; if the ego-ideal and the self-image are far apart, then self-esteem issues are bound to ensue.

Let me clarify something else here; there is no black race; there is a “negro” race. The Negro race comes in many hues (of black, white and others); remember that the next time this crap rears its inevitable head. If you don’t agree with me then take your beef to the anthropologists; they came up with the definitions around Mongoloid, Caucasoid and such; not me. I suspect that people in this field today have a hard time defining certain people by race, after looking at their physical features.

Beyond Crouch, many so-called black leaders all around the country have jumped into the debate about Obama’s “blackness”, to basically do the same thing he did: question it. To them, it’s like this: if you didn’t come out of the civil-rights struggle in the United States of Amnesia (thank you Mr. Dyson), that you are not black (or maybe: less black). At the same time they are subtly suggesting that if you have too much visible white blood and if you grew up with white faces, in strange (to them) spaces and foreign places, that are somewhat different, then you couldn’t possibly understand what “blackness” is about. This is so insipid it’s tragic. It’s an offshoot from their general xenophobic outlook.

What Crouch and those of his mind-set have missed (upon many other things) in this historical moment, is the evidence of America’s “oprahcization”. And by “oprahcization” I mean, an attempt by humans (especially Americans of all races and ethnicities that Oprah Winfrey influences) to transcend race, without losing an appreciation for, and a sense of, their unique racial features. It’s an attempt to get closer to recognizing that we are all firstly: humans. This is the hidden beauty of this great woman (Oprah Winfrey), who has evolved into a gem of a human being.

When Oprah Winfrey blessed and sanctioned Barack Obama’s run for the presidency, it was the biggest endorsement that any presidential candidate has ever gotten. Let me explain this further. We don’t really vote freely (most of us), we take cues from people we respect and admire; thus those who aren’t deep into politics tend to get signals as to who to vote for, from endorsees; and guess what: most Americans aren’t deep into politics. But many many millions of Americans are deep into Oprah. Why do you think her recommended books- from her book club- usually get to the best seller list? Why do you think her show has been the highest rated in its time slot for years and years? Why is her magazine so widely read? Why are the tabloids (rags) so obsessed with her? Why does she have “single-name” recognition status?

If you think that Oprah’s endorsement didn’t mean much, then ask yourself this: why has this relatively young freshman senator-who is not 100% white- been getting all this media attention since that Oprah show? And again, why is it that he is doing so well amongst white women in the polls? Oprah has connected with white women more so than any demographic group except black women. But didn’t some so-called “black folks” take Oprah to task for letting her show go white (their words)? And this was when she began seriously dealing with issues around spirituality, self esteem, humanity, humility and the like; she got a lil too philosophical it seems and a lil too psychological also. Look, stupidity comes in all colors, shapes, sizes, races, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, creeds, hues, religions; you name it. Negroes aren’t exempt from stupidity; neither are so-called (or self-defined) blacks.

Barack Obama embodies the very hopes of all of those who deep down in their Rodney King-place, would like us all to get along; putting an end to racial discrimination and other racial attitudes-with their attendant hostilities, insularities and stings. This is why he is so admired all over the world; this is why so many have been drawn to his candidacy. We are experiencing a phenom rising. He is inspiring many of us to grow in ways we never imagined; he is carrying with him our hopes for a better world; racially and otherwise. As I said before, I don’t know if he will win (anything), but I am sure glad that he is announcing his candidacy later today.

To those who see something wrong with this Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton-Bush (Jeb in the bullpen) presidential formula, there is an option. To those who see something wrong with this exclusive rich white-male presidential club, and seeks to bring inclusion, empowerment and power-sharing, then there is an option. For those Negroes (and self-defined blacks and/or mixed) who believe that we owe the Clintons nothing; nada; zilch; then there is an option. For those blacks who cannot name a single significant profound thing that the Clintons did to improve the lot of blacks nationwide in a specific and particular way, then there is an option.

Look, let’s not kid ourselves, the Clintons are formidable opponents for any presidential aspirant, far less a half-black one; but can anyone really name the three top black advisers that they have held on to over the years? Or, can you name the black political consultants (or firms) that took all those millions that Hilary has spent in her two elections? Hilary’s key advisors over the years, her key spokespersons, top cabinet members, key inner-circle people and top staffers are still predominantly white; same ole, same ole. Yet, black folk continue to let the Clintons hoodwink them in to believing that they are our messiahs. And that’s our damn problem: always looking for some type of messianic delivery.

What does Hilary Clinton stand for, besides to attempt to extract revenge on her husband for his uncontrollable zipper, by forcing him to do everything in his power to get her elected; first senator, and now president? Do you really think that she isn’t dealing with her own self-esteem issues from the years of Bill’s gallivanting? Bill Clinton destroyed the life of a young woman named Monica Lewinsky, and he is yet to apologize for it in any real appreciable contrite way. Can you imagine what it is like to have a sex act named after you, and be the butt of perennial jokes all over the world? Hilary was Bill’s enabler for years; why are we rewarding her (them)? We need fresh faces; we need new blood; we need to go in an entirely different direction; we need to give Obama a chance to show us what he’s got. We as Negroes or blacks (take your choice) need to get over our Clinton dependency; it’s not healthy.

Do we want to go through an election wherein the Republican opposition- research mills, will be churning out sordid story after sordid story, going back to the Rose Law firm, Foster, Whitewater, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, and only the lord knows who and what else; when blacks are facing serious issues that need addressing like yesterday? Do we really need this when blacks are in a state of emergency, just from HIV infection and prison-incarceration rates alone; and don’t even talk about education and unemployment issues. Black folks in the USA need to seriously ponder this upcoming presidential race. Some parts of the black-community are metastasizing. Even former president Jimmy Carter has been building houses; what has the Clintons built-up besides their bank accounts? You tell me; I am right here. Black folk need to start thinking things through; seriously.

As I said before, I still think that Al Gore represents the best chance of the Democrats retrieving the white house; and I even think that Senator Edwards has a better winning shot than Hilary Clinton; but Barack Obama comes across as more passionate than the last two combined. He also comes across as more genuine. When the debates start, I am sure that there will be pressure on Barack to edify the public on his core positions on the pressing issues of the day, if he rises to that challenge in any reasonable way, he will have a chance of making history.

Stray tuned-in folks; and look out for my last and final part of this series.