Observations on Barack Obama’s ATM Card

Whenever I write on these blogs, and my topic elicits scores of vitriolic drivel in the comments-section, from people whose IQs seem to be in single-digits; my mind travels back to the days of the first messengers. Back in the day when kings, queens, princes and princesses might have been relevant (I have some doubt as to whether they ever were), the first messengers were runners to and from the war front. They were also the first news reporters of sort. Whenever the kingdom went to war, a call went out for teenage orphans to fill the bill of riding to and from the front, reporting on the status of the war. If the update was good and /or positive, then the messenger was feted on returning to the castle. He would be given a sumptuous banquet, bedded down in some lavish and elegant castle chamber, given his choice of courtesans, and sometimes even gold, silver, jewelry and other perquisites as a bonus. If there was bad news from the warfront; beheading the messenger, or imprisoning him in some dungeon were normal rewards; hence the term “killing the messenger”.

It seems that some specific folks always try to assassinate me in the comment sections of these blogs; especially when my topic, report, analysis or observation doesn’t fit their political world-view. Sometimes I feel like the messenger who came back from the war front accompanied by an extremely large stranger. The king asked him; “how goes the war? And who is this guy by the way?” The messenger said; “your majesty, he is here to negotiate the terms of your surrender”. Both messenger and negotiator were promptly beheaded. It didn’t change the results of the war- in less than an hour later the kingdom was routed- but they were both dead nonetheless.

So here I come today to tell you about the most exciting political candidate that I have ever seen in my short lifetime; a man who inspires people of all races, religions, nationalities and ethnicities. The most charismatic politician I have ever seen; more so than any individual I have encountered in my study of international politics. A man who reminds me of Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Malcolm Little (X), all wrapped in one; all at the same time. His name is Barack Obama, and I want to tell you of a couple mistakes that he is making as he moves toward the US presidency.

When I wrote my first of three articles on Obama, almost six months ago (go check them out on Room Eight’s archives/ www.r8ny.com); I told you all that I was supporting him conditionally; since I felt that Al Gore represented the best chance for the Democrats to regain the White House. All that has changed; I now support Obama unconditionally; win or lose. Some time in the future I hope to do a column explaining why this change has come about for me.

The mistake he is making has to do with how he is treating New York. Obama is running the risk of people perceiving him as using New York as an Automatic Teller Machine. He comes to the city, brings his ATM card, makes withdrawals, then leaves. He hardly ever schedules trips to the many diverse neighborhoods (black, white, Hispanic, etc), as if the fact that he lived here for a few years presumes some knowledge of the contemporary issues afflicting them. Many are saying that he seems to come here only to raise funds. It is starting to affect their perceptions. It’s rather unfortunate, since near all the presidential candidates are similarly situated. Let’s understand that I am fully aware that Barack (Barry) Hussein Obama isn’t the only presidential candidate guilty of this; hell no. But Obama should be different. If he strives to be different (and he is), he has to be consistent. He also has to lead by example.

Another mistake that is related, is the fact that his national campaign refuses to put New York in play. Even if it’s for symbolic reasons only, he should challenge Hilary Rodham-Clinton for the New York delegates heading to the convention. The best defense is offence; and I am sure he knows this- based on my readings of the two books he wrote. My sources tell me that he has around two dozen offices opened up in Iowa but none in New York. I am also told that he has offices in New Hampshire and Illinois. If this is all true then it is disappointing, because it leaves the appearance that our money is all that’s wanted.

It’s like the guy who sneaks into his girlfriend’s apartment every Friday night after a long week working; he spends the weekend laying up, eating, drinking, using the phone to call his homeys, watching the ballgames on cable television, screwing, sleeping and such, but never takes her out anywhere. He doesn’t take her out to dinner, not to the clubs, nor to a party, a show, the movies or anything of the sort; how many times do you hear women in the office complaining about this on Monday mornings? They often feel that they are being used, abused and taken for granted. Obama is being risqué in the way he is treating New York. He needs to get his schedulers to put some serious New York time on his calendar. He needs to peregrinate the many hoods and ‘burbs. He needs to touch people; shake hands, kiss babies and do all those seemingly insignificant- but symbolically meaningful- things that candidates do. He needs to do some walking-tours now; he can’t wait until February; it might be too late. If you want our money and our honey then spend some time with us please. Right now. Believe me when I say that these events will make both mainstream and national media; shoot, they will also dominate the local mediums.

Last week, a couple Caribbean-American activists (Terry Hinds and Marva Prescod/ both attorneys) and myself, were out on Church Avenue in Flatbush, Brooklyn; we were registering voters, canvassing for Obama and recruiting volunteers / supporters for him also. We are all part of that dynamic young group called: “Brooklyn for Barack”. We were a bit surprised by the enthusiasm many people showed for the Obama campaign. It was truly encouraging, given that it is relatively early in the presidential cycle. However, we all came away with the impression that Hilary Rodham-Clinton had made serious inroads into Obama’s natural base (especially with black women/ and understandably so). Young people from 18 to 40 seem to light up when we talk to them about Obama. Whites seem to be even more fired-up than blacks; a rather strange phenomenon indeed. Blacks want him to come directly to their neighborhoods. They want to touch the hem of this guy’s garments folks. He is respected, admired and loved. Many of the younger women found him to be charming, handsome and sexy. Watch out Michelle!

The efforts of his passionate NY/NJ volunteers should be harnessed by some experienced staffers. he needs to hire such staffers real soon. He should open offices in the tri-state areas ASAP. He has the money; he can afford it.

Stay tuned-in folks; the race is only now warming up. Expect some surprises along the way.