The biggest impediment to solving the problem of racism in the USA is the denial that comes from all sides of the divide. Only when this denial is confronted will we get anywhere closer to solving this seemingly intractable issue. Let’s take the latest Clinton campaign dust-up. Geraldine Ferraro- one of HRC’s big feminist supporters- made probably the most nonsensical statement of this campaign cycle so far, when she suggested that Barack Obama has gotten where he is (his success in this presidential race to date) because he is lucky to be black. This is the same woman, who in 1988 said that Jesse Jackson was only running in the presidential primary (and with some success too), because he too “was black”. Talk about double-speak/lol; or is it double-talk? This was not accidental or coincidental; this was deliberate on Ms. Ferraro’s part. This lady needs some sensitivity training; even at age 72 it can be useful.
When I said right here on the blogs, that “race” will be the “gorilla at the back of the room” in this presidential contest, I knew many felt that I was overreaching. Others felt that I was somehow exaggerating and being absurd somewhat. Go back to some of the comments made in the comment sections of some of my previous columns. I had to explain to many a person on the telephone, over e-mail inquiries, in various gatherings, and on the streets, that race is the unconscious factor in the lives of most Americans: no matter what color or genetic-nationality. I had to further explain some of the things that I have written about here -in many a column- that most Americans are in denial when it comes to racism; that there are many who walk around this country, unconscious to the fact that they have racist tendencies; seemingly oblivious to their programmed racist predispositions and /or built-in racial reflexes. This is where it starts: in the mirror that few care to look into. This is where it ends: in the introspection (and retrospection) that few care to indulge and/or confront.
I am going to assume that it must have missed Ms. Ferraro when many other blacks ran for president; most of whom got nowhere; how come? Beyond Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama, the list includes Senator Carol Moseley-Braun, Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, Governor Doug Wilder, activist Al Sharpton, activist Ron Daniels, and also activist Leonora Fulani. I am certain that I may have missed one or two others along the way. I remember reading where Frederick Douglas was nominated for president at a Republican convention back in the day; and I suspect that Angela Davis once ran for the spot (or for the vice-presidency) somewhere in the eighties. None of these people that I have just listed, did nearly well as Barack Obama is doing now; how come? Could it be since he is half-white?
Furthermore, Ms. Ferraro seems to be ignorant of the fact that in the pre-Reconstruction history of the USA, there have been three black governors only; three black senators, two black members of the Supreme Court, two black Secretaries of State and zero black presidents. Could someone get a cane for this lady’s brain? Is she oblivious to the racial discrimination that still exists- in quantities way beyond mainstream media’s ability to cover and expose? But then too many people believe that the civil rights gains of the sixties have eliminated racism in this land; they are so very wrong.
Obama himself gave a beautiful response to Ferraro’s absurd comments, when he suggested that any primer for the US presidency wouldn’t show that someone with his name(s) or race, as favored for this run. And this is the point that Ferraro (and Gloria Steinhem) missed in frustration, at attempting to understand, why Obama is whipping Hillary Clinton’s butt in this contest. Any person who could assume that it would be easier for a mixed man (black and white parents), to become the president of the USA, than a white woman- especially a white woman who is not only a senator from New York, but who is also the wife of a former president- then that person needs to have their head examined. Could it be that Hillary’s high negatives (seen through years of polling) accumulated over thirty-five years (supposedly), finally caught up with her? Most Clintonistas refuse to accept that Hillary (despite her brilliance) is damaged goods after years of “Clinton fatigue”; after years of “Clinton issues”. Denial is a hell of a thing folks; it is when people refuse to believe what their eyes see. They become irrational and/or deluded.
Look, it is understandable that women would feel a sense of pride in Hillary’s run; after all, “sexism” is very real, still alive and kicking, in this country and all over the world. Women are in solidarity against sexism; and rightly so. And yet, women should not- even for one minute- fix their mouths to attempt to say that sexism is worse than racism. Especially white women; since they- for the most part- enable (somewhat unconsciously) their white men to abuse power at everyone else’s expense. When Shirley Chisholm was asked which of the two was more egregious, not only did she say racism; she also said that “it wasn’t even close”.
The first thing that Ferraro and most people get wrong is Obama’s race; he is mixed. He is not black, nor is he white either. He is by standard and traditional definition: a mulatto. This is the fact that apparently escapes most people. He claims to be black because the US society -given its racist history- still maintains anachronistic Jim Crow rules and norms, which will make him appear to be foolish: if he were to claim he was white. Given the “one drop of black blood rule” that was codified by racist laws, it is all right for Barack to claim he is black, but absurd to claim he was white. So he is forced to deny half of his genetic makeup, half of his heritage and culture, just because of racism; and he must live this everyday. He and the millions like him – all over this country, and all over this world- have been condemned to a life of racial confusion, pain, denial, lies and such; this is so sad. Read his book that echoed the “missing father syndrome”, and then tell me that he hasn’t gone through a major identity crisis; maybe he is still in flux with this rather personal issue.
The many comments being thrown out by Clinton’s supporters that contain not too subtle racial overtones, plus the nasty e-mails, plus the photos of him in traditional African garb, plus the emphasis on his middle name (Hussein) and his father’s African heritage, plus the smear that he is Muslim and not Christian, plus all the other nefarious doings and sayings since this race got going; are meant to do one thing: drive up many people’s racial fears; especially white people’s. It is all meant to drive up Obama’s negatives, and the fact is they have succeeded (to some extent). It is fear mongering at its worst. Look, I cannot tell you that Billary Clinton condones all the things that have been done, but it’s their campaign; and both Hillary and Bill has to take some kind of responsibility, given the numerous times these things have been exposed. I cannot say that Billary are racists; in fact I doubt they are (especially Bill Clinton); but many racial things happen sub-consciously. Is this what is happening?
Lately there has been a focus on the pastor of the church Barack has attended for years, because this reverend holds some views that many whites are uncomfortable with. Also, he has said some things that are downright ridiculous; and as I always say: no one race has a lock on stupidity. Stupidity and evil comes in all races, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, sizes, shapes and forms. But this is where you really see the racial double standards at work, when freedom of speech liberties are allowed for whites but not for people of color. This is nothing new in this country’s history. Why is Obama being penalized for someone else’s views? We surely know that he doesn’t subscribe to Rev. Wright’s positions. Obama has said that it’s like having an old uncle who spews ridiculous views; we may disagree, but it doesn’t mean we totally disassociate from the uncle socially. He has condemned and repudiated these statements many times before but they keep coming back like a recurring decimal. Why? Think about that as you sip your cappuccino today.
Lately some sickos have been sending e-mails calling Obama the “anti-Christ”. They have gone so far as to quote biblical verses to supplement their position here. It is as vicious an attack as I have ever seen in politics, given that eighty-nine percent of all Americans say that they are religious; and don’t forget that he is also supposed to be a “Muslim mole” bent on destroying this great country. For over a year now the internet, mainstream media and the political grapevine have been abuzz with all kinds of anti-Obama rumors. There have been anti-Obama innuendo, art, music, literature, websites and the like. Never before in the history of this country, has a presidential candidate received this kind of treatment in a primary process. He has been smeared worst than anyone could have imagined when he announced his run last February. If this is an epic of things to come- once he gains the nomination of his political party- then we are in for a real “doozie” between Labor Day and Election Day (November). And Geraldine Ferraro thinks he is LUCKY. Since last year I warned you folks that all this was coming.
Racism USA-style starts from the belief that Caucasians (whites) are superior to all other races. It may have stemmed from the days of slavery here, when blacks were made (and even forced) to feel (and believe) that they were inferior to whites. It started long before the US Constitution was ratified; it was further perpetuated by said ratification. Ferraro’s comments seem to have been made by someone totally ignorant of the racial history of this country. Not only should Hillary Clinton denounce the statements of this blind lady (Ferraro), she should also reject, deplore and renounce them too. If she doesn’t, then she runs the risk of people viewing Ferraro as another, in a long line of hit men and hit women that the Clintons have tacitly (or not) approved to go after Barack Obama, time and time again. What has been amazing to me is the fact that so many educated and reputable people keep denying that all this is happening. But should we really be amazed or surprised? After all, racism- with its insidious octopussian tentacles- is denied every day in this country, by highly intelligent folks who unconsciously aid and abet its criminality and inhumanity.
Ostensibly, every week- for the last six months or so- we have been subjected to these incessant attacks on Obama, from all over the political landscape. Is this something that’s orchestrated? Or are there racial undertones to all this? Think about that 3:00 a.m. advertisement that Billary ran in Texas and Ohio? Was it about terrorism? Or was it about raising racial fears and concerns, right here in the good ole US of A? Subliminalism is shrewd in its execution folks.
I find it all similar to the attacks that I have received on the blogs for years now, where my detractors say it is not about “race”. They say it is about everything else that’s wrong with me; my writings, my views, my information, my credentials, my sources, my personality, my positions, my etiquette (or lack of), etcetera, etcetera? Yet, I am the only black consistently operating in this sphere here in New York; could there be something to that? The painful thing is that many say these aren’t “attacks” on Obama, that he is being vetted that’s all; I disagree. And why shouldn’t I? They say similar things when they attack me. It seems to reach a stage of unconsciousness. My students have studied all this, and they have shown me that some people come in the thread and say that they don’t read my stuff anymore, but they make scurrilous comments in the comment section; digest this for a minute. The purpose is not to read the columns but to join the line of attackers on the writer. And yet, despite all this, I am unable to single out any one person as racist, since it is very hard to prove conclusively. Collectively, it is easy to deduce or expose racism; individually: that is something rather difficult to do.
Obama’s problem is similar to mine: when we push back or protest, we are accused of playing the “self-victimization” game; meanwhile the attacks continue. We all know what the objectives are; don’t we? Or do we need more evidence?
Stay tuned-in folks; I am not finished with this one as yet, because we have to expose “the kitchen–sink strategy” for exactly what it is: viciousness. It shouldn’t be condoned, endorsed or validated; worse yet when there are subliminal undertones of racism throughout.