Barack Obama’s Vice-presidential choice and running mate.

Many people have been asking me to wade in on who Barack Obama will choose for his vice-presidential running mate, once it is clear to the latecomers, that Billary Clinton’s campaign is going nowhere- an observation I made here months ago. After some analysis, I have concluded that he will select a woman to be his running mate. This will be the second time that Democrats choose a female for that spot; and of course the next time the Republicans choose a woman for that spot, it will also be the first time for them.

Given the energy that female voters have displayed in this long arduous primary contest, I expect the Obama campaign to do the right thing by them. Women should be rewarded with a spot on the ticket for a multitude of good reasons. And despite some who will consider it to be risqué for a black man and a white woman to be on the same ticket (since they will expect/project a white-male backlash), I believe that the person Barack chooses will be: KATHLEEN SEBILEUS.

For those who are not familiar with her, she is the governor of Kansas. I am hopeful that history will be made all the way around come November. I am hopeful to see the first mulatto (half-white and half-black) president of the USA; I am also hopeful to see the first female vice-president in American history. IT’S LONG OVERDUE:IN BOTH SPOTS.

Stay tuned-in folks.