911 Call For Justice

911 Call For Justice


By Michael Boyajian


Some people like cop movies.  I like F.B.I. movies like Mississippi Burning where Gene Hackman is knocking around pasty white KKK goons.  I would like to see this kind of action against those who threaten this country in real life too.  That is why I believe President Obama should deploy special agents to investigate the mosque burning in Tennessee and anywhere else Muslims are being threatened just like JFK did during America’s civil rights battles of the 1960s.


The government of the United States of America should use all the power at its command to battle bigots here at home so that we may set an example abroad.  Concurrent with this the president should declare war on employment discrimination bringing the might of American justice against rogue corporations that discriminate against minorities, women and gays as well as others.


It should also close the book on the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy so that patriotic gays can serve their country as they have done throughout our history and as have great military figures from the beginnings of history like Alexander the Great, Emperor Hadrian and Caesar.


America has had many missions abroad recently now it’s time to have a mission at home bringing justice to all those who have suffered from the wrath of bigotry for the sake of our country and for the sake of humanity in general.


