The Gateway (Sexodus Edition) [Several Items Added and/or Revised and/or Moved Elsewhere]

Debbie Schlussel: Pig (right wing variety). How Muslims Celebrate Victory: Egypt’s “Peaceful, Moderate, Democratic” Protesters



Nir Rosen: Pig (left wing variety) The America-Bashing, Pro-Taliban Tweets of Nir Rosen – Jeffrey Goldberg – National – The Atlantic



Arabs worry about Palestine like Bostonians worry about the Mets. Palestine an obsession of radical West, not Arabs | The Australian



Real friends of Israel embrace their friends, rather than branding them as enemies. Combating Delegitimization Requires A Big Tent | The Jewish Week



Israel supporter Goldberg: "If you're a supporter of Israel, you're worried that the Israeli leadership has no idea how to manage its relations with the country's dwindling number of friends.” What to Worry About Today – Jeffrey Goldberg – International – The Atlantic



Frum, an honest conservative, outlines the intellectual dishonesty of contemporary conservative budget masturbation fantasies. I don't quite agree with all of Frum's policy proposals, but if all conservatives were this honest, it would be far simpler to work out a livable budget compromise. The GOP’s Budget Challenge | FrumForum



Is there anyone who's integrity is more overrated by the media than Paul Ryan? Paul Ryan's Second-Craziest Statement Of The Day | The New Republic



Do they make sweaters with black and white stripes? Gov. Cuomo On Hank Morris Lockup: Good – Updated



I feel a bit sorry for Egan. Everyone teaches to the test these day; it’s the central element of Bloomie’s education policy. Egan just kept teaching to the test it after the test had started; if Eva Moskowitz could have gotten away with it, she would surely have done the same. In fact, I'm not sure she doesn't. UFT honcho under fire after he continues food fight with Albany eatery



As I've pointed out, the critique of Black is not restricted to the left and the unions. Not only has she lost the pro-education reform neo-liberals at TNR and Washington monthly (and Room 8), but now's she's even pissed off the reactionaries. Mike's Black mark



Congresswomen Moore will be stepping down to become spokeswoman for Cathie Black. Michelle Malkin » Democrat Rep. Gwen Moore: Abortion is better for unplanned babies than having to.

What a hypocritical prick.

Marty Golden says: no new tax, repeal the old ones on millionaires, but no cuts to programs which serve anyone who votes.

And you wonder why the schools are getting a Golden Shower. GOLDEN, MALLIOTAKIS FIGHT TO PROTECT LOCAL SENIOR CENTERS | New York State Senate



Beck urges viewers to eschew Google.

That's easy for him to say, but what about those of us who don't just make it up ourselves? Glenn Beck vs. Google: Pundit doesn't trust search engine, tells fans to avoid it



This is called progress; it will be an even bigger sign of progress when Facebook can eliminate the category of “Civil Unions” altogether. Facebook Adds 'Civil Union,' 'Domestic Partnership' To Relationship Status Options


