It would seem in this new age of draconian budget cuts and trillion dollar tax breaks for corporations and the rich that the sacrificial lambs in all of this are medicare and social security programs vital to working class and disadvantaged Americans.
Meanwhile half way around the world two wars of no strategic importance to us are sucking the life blood out of the nation. These wars, one of which should have ended years ago and the other which should never have been started, are draining the national treasure.
End these wars and you get rid of any need to cut the budget. The savings from the wars will easily fill the budget gap.
The birthplace of Western Civilization, Ancient Athens, found itself in a similar situation 2,400 years ago engaged in a unnecessary and protracted conflict with Sparta. Rather than make peace Athens fought on and in the end went into the ash heap of history a brilliant light snuffed out all for the sake of war.
We also face this problem and seem prepared to destroy ourselves in the name of war. End these wars now and save the nation bright future and all or face certain doom. The choice is ours to make.