Giuliani Time

Tea Party extremism threatens the nation and rides rough shod over the president.  America is a liberal country at heart where most people identify with the Democratic Party.  America is looking for an alternative to the president but is turned off by the Republican presidential candidates who can only be described as an assorted group of cranks and misfits.


There is therefore a void in the body politic that only Rudy Giuliani can fill.  He is a liberal Republican that many Democrats willingly cross over for.  He is not afraid to tell right wing kooks to jump in the lake and he does not hide from his beliefs.  He wears his colors proudly.


But people want to see the old Rudy Giuliani not the one who sits in Yankee Stadium with a scowl on his face or wears a dark suit and talks about bombing Iran.  We want to see the Rudy Giuliani who defeated a corrupt political machine, put crooked Wall Street fat cats behind bars, who revitalized New York City, who played touch football with his kids on the back lawn of Gracie Mansion, who reached out to the gay community before it was popular to do so and who gave America hope after 9-11.


Rudy Giuliani is just what America needs in its time of despair.  He is a man of hope who will rise to the occasion and get the country back on its feet.   It is Giuliani time.