The Betrayal

The New York Times reports that Democrats led by a gutless president are bending to the will of extremist Republicans and caving to demands for cuts to Social Security and Medicare.  This is a betrayal of the base of the Democratic Party – Middle America and our vulnerable senior citizens.


The betrayal spells certain doom for the Democratic Party in 2012 as party loyalists stay home rather than vote for those who folded under Republican pressure and independents in a backlash against Democrats turn out in opposition in an act of defiance.


Should Democrats be surprised by all of this?  Absolutely not, this has been the m.o.  of the Obama Administration since day one when they caved on the wars, Guantanamo, the public option so on and so forth right up to the fiction that was the debt ceiling crisis. 


Now it is judgment day and the barbarians are entering the gates as the president symbolically assumes the fetal position sucking his thumb in denial of all he has wrought on his party and the nation.  Obama is the new Nero missing only a violin to pluck as everything ignites into flames and Republicans sack the shining city on a hill.