The Mouse That Roared

The two stealth right wing ghouls Wragge and Hill on the CBS Early Show took time out from their inane babble to praise United States Attorney General Holder for exposing overspending by government workers attending a conference.  The workers were overcharged for muffins adding up to $4,000.  $4,000 really?


What about the trillion dollars rip off of the American taxpayer by Wall Street, the war crimes of Bush Cheney and the murders by private security groups in Iraq?  Shouldn’t the Attorney General be going after these maniacs instead of hunting down an incompetent clerical worker who was overcharged for some muffins?


Let’s face it the Attorney General is a mouse.  Instead of roping in all the players inside and outside the government in the $65 billion Madoff Ponzi scheme he chases people for paying too much for a tray of muffins and the right wing media tags along building up anti-government hysteria while the real fat cats on Wall Street sit on their yachts eating caviar and buttered lobster while belly laughing at the circus act going on around them.


James Carville was right it is time for the Obama Administration to start firing people beginning with the Attorney General who seems more fit to be a security guard checking shopping bags at the local 7-11 than the top law man in the country.