Why Not Support All Teams In Terms Of Faith

I noticed something this football season.  There are two kinds of football fans in New York.  There are those that support both the Giants and the Jets but perhaps lean one way or the other when they meet and then there are those fans that rigidly believe you can only root for one team or the other.  I disavowed the later approach after 9/11 when I realized we are all New Yorkers and now I find that I have doubled my viewing satisfaction because chances are when one team loses at least the other wins.


The same approach can be taken with religion where you can if you wish pick and choose different aspects from different religions to adhere to creating a sort of potpourri if you will.  Someone said this is wrong, you either believe Jesus is god or you don’t. 


Well I can say there are a few Unitarians who would disagree with this and I point out that Hindus recognize Jesus as a god in their pantheon and Muslims claim him as a prophet while Peruvians blend Native American approaches with Christian as Buddhist and Hindu texts comingle, Jews and Christians share the Old Testament and now the Catholic Church has opened its doors to Episcopalians allowing them to become full Catholics while retaining their own prayer book and married priests.


Therefore it is quite alright to take in a mix of religious aspects so long as it helps you to fully develop your own spirituality because that is the real purpose of religion to put us all in touch with the high force that surrounds us giving us hope and faith whatever the sect or denomination.